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Quick Start


EDA Playground gives engineers immediate hands-on exposure to simulating Verilog/SystemVerilog/VHDL. All you need is a web browser. The goal is to accelerate learning of design/testbench development with easier code sharing, and with simpler access to simulators and libraries. EDA Playground is specifically designed for small prototypes and examples.

  • With a simple click, run your code and see console output in real time. Pick another simulator version and run it again.
  • Save your code snippets. Share your code and simulation results with a web link. Perfect for web forum discussions or emails. Great for asking questions or sharing your knowledge.
  • Quickly try something out
    • Try out a SystemVerilog feature before using it on your project.
    • Try out a library that you're thinking of using.
    • Modify another engineer's shared code and re-run it.
  • Eliminate environment differences. Since the code always executes in the same environment, everyone will see the same result on a subsequent re-run.
  • Browse and use a large repository of working code examples and templates.


Usage Examples

  • Quick prototyping -- try out syntax or a library/language feature before using it in a large code base.
  • When asking questions on Stack Overflow or other online forums, attach a link to the code and simulation results. Results from a private EDA Playground deployment can also be posted on
  • Use during technical interviews to test candidates' Verilog/SystemVerilog coding skills.
  • Run anywhere. When away from your work machine, you can still try a quick prototype on EDA Playground.
  • Try verifying using different verification frameworks: UVM, plain Verilog, or Python.
  • Create a Verilog lab for young engineers, with the Verilog code hosted on EDA Playground. Students can work from home at their own pace, and run the lab samples on EDA Playground.
  • Quickly check whether your code is synthesizable or emulator-friendly. (Private deployment only.)

What Users are Saying

This is a really useful web-based utility for anyone who is discussing/sharing/debugging a code segment with a colleague or a support person. Also, a very useful follow-up tool for post-training help among students or between instructor and students. Simple, easy, useful.

                                                            -Hemendra Talesara, Verification Technologist at Synapse Design Automation Inc.

EDA Playground is sooo useful for interviews. I got a lot more feedback from being able to watch someone compile and debug errors. I would highly recommend others to use it if they are asking SV related questions.

                                                            -Ricardo Goto, MTS Design Engineer at AMD (using private deployment)

I work in a large environment where compiles and sims take a considerable amount of time. When I'm developing/debugging, sometimes I want to use Verilog/SystemVerilog syntax that I have not used before. (Examples: wild equality, binding to the same port multiple times.) I don't want to stick my code into the environment and hope that the the feature works like I think it does. Instead, I first do a quick prototype on EDA Playground.

                                                            -Design Verification Engineer (using private deployment)

I’ve used it a few times now to just check out some issues related to SV syntax and it’s been a big timesaver!

                                                            -Eric White, MTS Design Engineer at AMD (using private deployment)


The following simulators can be used.

On private EDA Playground:

  • All simulators available on public version.
  • Any additional simulators that your company/university has licenses for or developed in-house.


Feature Requests and Bug Fixes

Request new features and bug fixes here:
Or Tweet to @EDAPlayground


EDA Playground was created in May 2013 by Victor Lyuboslavsky.
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Victor EDA on LinkedIn