- Where: Coursera
- University/Institute: Deeplearning.AI
- Status: In Progress
Course 1: Machine Learning in Production
- Status: Completed
- Link: <https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-to-machine-learning-in-production?specialization=machine-learning-engineering-for-production-mlops\>
Course 2: Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production
- Status: Completed
- Link: <https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning-data-lifecycle-in-production?specialization=machine-learning-engineering-for-production-mlops\>
Course 3: Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production
- Status: Completed
- Link: <<https://www.coursera.org/learn/machine-learning-modeling-pipelines-in-production?specialization=machine-learning-engineering-for-production-mlops\>
Course 4: Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production
- Status: In progress
- Link: <https://www.coursera.org/learn/deploying-machine-learning-models-in-production?specialization=machine-learning-engineering-for-production-mlops\>
Week1: Overview of the ML Lifecycle and Deployment
Week2: Select and Train a Model
Week3: Data Definition and Baseline
Week 1: Collecting, Labeling and Validating Data
Week 2: Feature Engineering, Transformation and Selection
- Week 2 Notes
- Ungraded Lab: Simple Feature Engineering
- Ungraded Lab: Feature Engineering Pipeline
- Ungraded Lab: Feature Selection
- Week 2 Assignment - Feature Engineering
Week 3: Data Journey and Data Storage
- Week 3 Notes
- Ungraded Lab: ML Metadata
- Ungraded Lab: Iterative Schema
- Week 3 Assignment - Data Pipeline Components for Production ML
Week 4 (Optional): Advanced Labeling, Augmentation and Data Preprocessing
- Week 4 Notes
- Ungraded Lab: Feature Engineering with Weather Data
- Ungraded Lab: Feature Engineering with Accelerometer Data
- Ungraded Lab: Feature Engineering with Images
Week 1: Neural Architecture Search
- Week 1 Notes
- Ungraded Lab: Intro to Keras Tuner
- Ungraded Lab - Hyperparameter Tuning and Model Training with TFX
Week 2: Model Resource Management Techniques
Week 3: High-Performance Modeling
Week 4: Model Analysis
- Week 4 Notes
- Ungraded Lab: TensorFlow Model Analysis
- Ungraded Lab: Model Analysis with TFX Evaluator
- Ungraded Lab: Fairness Indicators
Week 5: Interpretability
Week 1: Model Serving: Introduction
Week 2: Model Serving: Patterns and Infrastructure
Week 3: Model Management and Delivery
- Week 3 Notes
- Ungraded Lab: Building ML Pipelines with Kubeflow
- Ungraded Lab: Developing Custom TFX Components
Week 4: Model Monitoring and Logging