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OlssonF committed Jul 19, 2024
1 parent 003d387 commit 76db096
Showing 1 changed file with 52 additions and 86 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,89 +1,70 @@
title: "NEON forecast challenge submission"
output: html_document
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

```{r load-packages, echo = F, warning=F, message=F}
## install.packages('remotes')
## install.packages('fpp3') # package for applying simple forecasting methods
## install.packages('tsibble') # package for dealing with time series data sets and tsibble objects
## install.packages('tidyverse') # collection of R packages for data manipulation, analysis, and visualisation
## install.packages('lubridate') # working with dates and times
## remotes::install_github('eco4cast/neon4cast') # package from NEON4cast challenge organisers to assist with forecast building and submission

# Load packages
# ------ Load packages -----


```{r get-targets, message=F}
#read in the targets data

#------- Read data --------
# read in the targets data
targets <- read_csv('')

# read in the sites data
aquatic_sites <- read_csv("") |>
dplyr::filter(aquatics == 1)

lake_sites <- aquatic_sites %>%
filter(field_site_subtype == 'Lake')
focal_sites <- aquatic_sites |>
filter(field_site_subtype == 'Lake') |>

# Filter the targets
targets <- targets %>%
filter(site_id %in% lake_sites$field_site_id,
filter(site_id %in% focal_sites,
variable == 'temperature')

This is where you could change or add meteorological variables that are used to predict the target

Other variable names can be found at <>

# ------ Weather data ------
met_variables <- c("air_temperature")

```{r get-NOAA-past, message = F}

# Past stacked weather
noaa_past_s3 <- neon4cast::noaa_stage3()
# Past stacked weather -----
weather_past_s3 <- neon4cast::noaa_stage3()

noaa_past <- noaa_past_s3 |>
dplyr::filter(site_id %in% lake_sites$field_site_id,
weather_past <- weather_past_s3 |>
dplyr::filter(site_id %in% focal_sites,
datetime >= ymd('2017-01-01'),
variable %in% met_variables) |>

# aggregate the past to mean values
noaa_past_mean <- noaa_past |>
weather_past_daily <- weather_past |>
mutate(datetime = as_date(datetime)) |>
group_by(datetime, site_id, variable) |>
summarize(prediction = mean(prediction, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop") |>
# convert air temperature to Celsius if it is included in the weather data
mutate(prediction = ifelse(variable == "air_temperature", prediction - 273.15, prediction)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = prediction)
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = prediction)

```{r get-NOAA-future, message = F}
# Future weather
# Future weather forecast --------
# New forecast only available at 5am UTC the next day
forecast_date <- Sys.Date()
noaa_date <- forecast_date - days(1)

noaa_future_s3 <- neon4cast::noaa_stage2(start_date = as.character(noaa_date))
weather_future_s3 <- neon4cast::noaa_stage2(start_date = as.character(noaa_date))

noaa_future <- noaa_future_s3 |>
weather_future <- weather_future_s3 |>
dplyr::filter(datetime >= forecast_date,
site_id %in% lake_sites$field_site_id,
site_id %in% focal_sites,
variable %in% met_variables) |>

noaa_future_daily <- noaa_future |>
weather_future_daily <- weather_future |>
mutate(datetime = as_date(datetime)) |>
# mean daily forecasts at each site per ensemble
group_by(datetime, site_id, parameter, variable) |>
Expand All @@ -92,9 +73,13 @@ noaa_future_daily <- noaa_future |>
mutate(prediction = ifelse(variable == "air_temperature", prediction - 273.15, prediction)) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = variable, values_from = prediction) |>
select(any_of(c('datetime', 'site_id', met_variables, 'parameter')))

```{r model-setup}

# ----- Fit model & generate forecast----

# Generate a dataframe to fit the model to
targets_lm <- targets |>
pivot_wider(names_from = 'variable', values_from = 'observation') |>
Expand All @@ -104,94 +89,75 @@ targets_lm <- targets |>
# Loop through each site to fit the model
forecast_df <- NULL


```{r forecast-loop}
for(i in 1:length(lake_sites$field_site_id)) {

example_site <- lake_sites$field_site_id[i]

site_target <- targets_lm |>
filter(site_id == example_site)
noaa_future_site <- noaa_future_daily |>
filter(site_id == example_site)

#Fit linear model based on past data: water temperature = m * air temperature + b
#you will need to change the variable on the left side of the ~ if you are forecasting oxygen or chla
fit <- lm(site_target$temperature ~ site_target$air_temperature)
# fit <- lm(site_target$temperature ~ ....)

# use linear regression to forecast water temperature for each ensemble member
# You will need to modify this line of code if you add additional weather variables or change the form of the model
# The model here needs to match the model used in the lm function above (or what model you used in the fit)
forecasted_temperature <- fit$coefficients[1] + fit$coefficients[2] * noaa_future_site$air_temperature

# put all the relevant information into a tibble that we can bind together
curr_site_df <- tibble(datetime = noaa_future_site$datetime,
site_id = example_site,
parameter = noaa_future_site$parameter,
prediction = forecasted_temperature,
variable = "temperature") #Change this if you are forecasting a different variable
site_id = example_site,
parameter = noaa_future_site$parameter,
prediction = forecasted_temperature,
variable = "temperature") #Change this if you are forecasting a different variable

forecast_df <- dplyr::bind_rows(forecast_df, curr_site_df)
message(example_site, 'forecast run')

my_model_id <- 'example_ID'

Remember to change the model_id when you make changes to the model structure!

my_model_id <- 'example_ID'

```{r make-standard}
#---- Covert to EFI standard ----

# Make forecast fit the EFI standards
forecast_df_EFI <- forecast_df %>%
filter(datetime > forecast_date) %>%
mutate(model_id = my_model_id,
reference_datetime = forecast_date,
family = 'ensemble',
parameter = as.character(parameter)) %>%
select(datetime, reference_datetime, site_id, family, parameter, variable, prediction, model_id)
duration = 'P1D',
parameter = as.character(parameter),
project_id = 'neon4cast') %>%
select(datetime, reference_datetime, duration, site_id, family, parameter, variable, prediction, model_id, project_id)


```{r write-forecast}
# ----- Submit forecast -----
# Write the forecast to file
theme <- 'aquatics'
date <- forecast_df_EFI$reference_datetime[1]
forecast_name_1 <- paste0(forecast_df_EFI$model_id[1], ".csv")
forecast_file_1 <- paste(theme, date, forecast_name_1, sep = '-')
if (!dir.exists('Forecasts')) {
write_csv(forecast_df_EFI, file.path('Forecasts',forecast_file_1))

Check that forecast format is valid

forecast_name <- paste0(forecast_df_EFI$model_id[1], ".csv")
forecast_file <- paste(theme, date, forecast_name, sep = '-')

Change eval = TRUE if you want to submit
write_csv(forecast_df_EFI, forecast_file)

```{r submit-forecast, eval= FALSE}

neon4cast::submit(forecast_file = file.path('Forecasts', forecast_file_1), ask = FALSE) # if ask = T (default), it will produce a pop-up box asking if you want to submit

neon4cast::submit(forecast_file = forecast_file, ask = FALSE) # if ask = T (default), it will produce a pop-up box asking if you want to submit

```{r plot-forecast}
forecast_df_EFI |>
ggplot(aes(x=datetime, y=prediction, group = parameter)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~site_id) +
labs(title = paste0('Forecast generated for ', forecast_df_EFI$variable[1], ' on ', forecast_df_EFI$reference_datetime[1]))

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