What's Changed
- Implementation of data retrieval respecting the schedule
- Coercion of requests (accepting e.g. integers for expver), date=-1, etc.
- Version updates of polytope feature extraction and polytope mars, bringing many other features and improvements
- Pre_path now only takes single values by @awarde96 in #34
- mongodb logs readable by @yuriipozharzuhlke in #35
- Update dependencies2024 11 08 by @peshence in #36
- added caching for ldap get_roles by @sametd in #38
- feat/coercion by @jameshawkes in #40
- Fix/mime types by @jameshawkes in #41
- Fix/coercion error on lists by @jameshawkes in #42
- Feat/schedule by @peshence in #39
- Feat/integration by @jameshawkes in #43
- bump version by @jameshawkes in #44
- release/0.8.7 by @jameshawkes in #46
- Release 0.8.7 by @jameshawkes in #45
New Contributors
- @yuriipozharzuhlke made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: 0.8.5...0.8.7