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Philippe DUL edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 1 revision

General procedure of migration

For any new version of Kitalpha it is strongly advised to generate all the artifacts of a viewpoint. Indeed, if the textual description does not change, the implementation can change or the generation adjusts implementation when used APIs change. Specific migration of Kitalpha releases

Kitalpha 0.5.x to 1.0.x

  • Apply the general procedure of migration.
  • Impact on the development environment: the Eclipse version evolved from Juno to Mars.
  • The generated model APIs for viewpoints still conform to EMF 2.8.3 (Eclipse Juno).

Kitalpha 1.0.x to 1.1.x

  • No migration impact.Only regenerate the API with the Viewpoint DSL editor.

Kitalpha 1.1.x to 1.2.x

  • No migration impact.Only regenerate the API with the Viewpoint DSL editor.

Kitalpha 1.2.x to 1.3.x

For Viewpoint DSL, the query language migrated from Acceleo to AQL, especially for the diagram descriptions. Example of migration in Viewpoint DSL/Diagram:

before Kitalpha 1.3.0: Label { content: "MyClass " + "<%name%>" + "." police: black }

from Kitalpha 1.3.0: Label { content: "MyClass " + "" + "." police: black }

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