Change Log
0.0.10 (2018-02-28)
Merged pull requests:
- NEPT-1422: Reverse file permissions. #60 (voidtek)
- Nept 1422 #56 (enriquelacoma)
- Nept 1430: Implement ecl for workbench filters #55 (enriquelacoma)
0.0.9 (2018-02-23)
Closed issues:
- NEPT-1776: Update ECL to newest version 0.21 #43
Merged pull requests:
- NEPT-1841: Update ECL to version 0.23. #59 (drupol)
- OPENEUROPA-325: Use OpenEuropa components. #58 (ademarco)
- NEPT-1831: Atomium preprocess hooks are not applied in the correct order. #57 (drupol)
- NEPT-1715: Fix page layout. #52 (drupol)
0.0.8 (2018-01-26)
Closed issues:
- Page headers are not same as library documentation #47
- Problem with admin menu #46
- Update Task Runner to 0.3.0 #41
- NEPT-1688: Integrate new Task Runner #37
- Admin menu missing #33
Merged pull requests:
- NEPT-1792: Update code to take into account new features from Atomium. #51 (drupol)
- NEPT-1351: Replace method name with proper methods and remove TODOs. #50 (drupol)
- NEPT-1745: Update method name. #49 (drupol)
- NEPT-1351: Create a maintenance page for ec_europa theme #45 (alba-everis)
- NEPT-1776: Update ECL to version 0.21 #44 (drupol)
- Update Task Runner to 0.3.0 #41 #42 (ademarco)
- NEPT-1742: Implements ECL Comment component. #39 (drupol)
- NEPT-1688: Integrate new Task Runner #37 #38 (ademarco)
- NEPT-1213: Remove some hardcoded values and make them configurable #36 (drupol)
- NEPT-1646: Add Overlay language selector page. #34 (voidtek)
0.0.7 (2017-12-22)
Merged pull requests:
0.0.6 (2017-12-06)
Merged pull requests:
- NEPT-1617: Review and cleanup component. - Part of the second meeting of the 16 November 2017. #27 (drupol)
0.0.5 (2017-11-15)
Merged pull requests:
- NEPT-1626: Update ECL to version 0.17.0. #26 (drupol)
- NEPT-1097: Update the field.tpl, add a taxonomy term reference tpl, #13 (Fefaine)
0.0.4 (2017-10-27)
Merged pull requests:
- NEPT-1577: Update the version 0.0.4. #23 (voidtek)
- NEPT-1498: Update Header the buttons according the ECL 0.13.0. #22 (voidtek)
- NEPT-1145: Implements the user-menu in site-switcher component. #21 (drupol)
- NEPT-1546: Use an Attributes container for handling template attributes. #20 (drupol)
- NEPT-1076: Update the name of the preprocess of the label component used in the community. #19 (voidtek)
- Nept 1076 : Add Labels component for community profile #18 (Medi4tor)
- NEPT-1096: Add the component splash. #17 (voidtek)
- NEPT-1094: Social Icons component. #16 (voidtek)
- NEPT-1452: Theme cleanup. #15 (drupol)
- NEPT-1134: Textarea component. #14 (drupol)
- NEPT-1064: Implements the expandable component. #11 (voidtek)
- NEPT-1136: Implements the table component. #10 (voidtek)
- NEPT-1129: Implements the checkboxes component. #9 (drupol)
- NEPT-1131: Implements the radios component. #8 (gillesdeudon)
- NEPT-1132: Component ID 58 - Implements the select boxes component #7 (drupol)
- Merge master back to feature branch #6 (Fefaine)
- NEPT-1093: Implements the header site switcher component. #5 (Fefaine)
- NEPT-690: Add maintenance offline template page. #3 (Fefaine)
0.0.3 (2017-08-03)
Merged pull requests:
- NEPT-1191: Update version to 0.0.3. #4 (drupol)
- NEPT-1191: Stabilize theme: Create new phing target #2 (drupol)
0.0.2 (2017-08-02)
Merged pull requests:
0.0.1 (2017-08-02)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator