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Sequencing depth bias on microdiversity estimates

Estimation of sequencing depth influence on microdiversity estimates

Required tools: Enveomics, BBTools, inStrain, Bowtie2, bedtools and samtools programs

  1. Enveomics scripts collection can be downloaded from
git clone git:// enveomics 
  1. BBTools scripts collection can be downloaded from

  2. inStrain can be downloaded following the Installation instructions from

git clone

cd instrain

pip install .
  1. Bowtie2 can be downloaded from

  2. Beedtools can be downloaded from

  3. Samtools can be downloaded from

Illumina metagenomic trimming (not needed for Long-reads) in1=Short.MG1.R1.fastq in2=Short.MG1.R2.fastq out1=Short.MG1.trimmed.R1.fastq out2=Short.MG1.trimmed.R2.fastq ref=adapters.fa ktrim=r k=28 mink=12 hdist=1 tbo=t tpe=t qtrim=rl trimq=20 minlength=100

Convert metagenomes from .fastq to .fasta format


cat Short.MG1.R1.fastq | paste - - - - | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}{print ">"substr($1,2)"\n"$2}' > Short.MG1.R1.fasta
cat Short.MG1.R2.fastq | paste - - - - | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}{print ">"substr($1,2)"\n"$2}' > Short.MG1.R2.fasta


cat Long.MG1.fastq | paste - - - - | awk 'BEGIN{FS="\t"}{print ">"substr($1,2)"\n"$2}' > Long.MG1.fasta

Short- and long-read random subsamplings of 1,5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90% of reads

Short-reads: -f 1,5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 Short.MG1.R1.fasta

a) Selection of same reads for both paired-end files ==> This is an example using the 10% of reads:

grep ">" Short.MG1.R1.fasta.10.0000-1.fa > IDS.txt
sed -i 's/-1/-2/g' IDS.txt IDS.txt Short.MG1.R1.fasta.10.0000-1.fa > Short.MG1.R2.fasta.10.0000-1.fa

Long-reads: -f 1,5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 Long.MG1.fasta

Fragment long-reads in 200 bps length in=Long.MG1.fasta.10.0000-1.fa out=Long.Fragmented.MG1.fasta.10.0000-1.fa length=200 minlength=0

Mapping with Bowtie2 (example with short-reads and 10% of reads)

cat MAGs* > CAT.ALL.MAGs.fasta

bowtie2-build CAT.ALL.MAGs.fasta CAT.ALL.MAGs.db

bowtie2 --reorder --no-unal -f -p 36 -x CAT.ALL.MAGs.db -1 Short.MG1.R1.fasta.10.0000-1.fa -2 Short.MG1.R2.fasta.10.0000-1.fa > Short.MG1.10.sam

sam.filter.rb -m Short.MG1.10.sam -o filter95_Short.MG1.10.sam -t 16

Mapping with Bowtie2 (example with long-reads and 10% of reads)

cat MAGs* > CAT.ALL.MAGs.fasta

bowtie2-build CAT.ALL.MAGs.fasta CAT.ALL.MAGs.db

bowtie2 --reorder --no-unal -f -p 36 -x CAT.ALL.MAGs.db -U Long.Fragmented.MG1.fasta.10.0000-1.fa > Long.Fragmented.MG1.10.sam

sam.filter.rb -m Long.Fragmented.MG1.10.sam -o filter95_Long.Fragmented.MG1.10.sam -t 16

Nucleotide diversity (pi), rarefied nucleotide diversity at 200X, and Average Nucleotide Identity of reads (ANIr) quantification using inStrain

inStrain profile filter95.Long.Fragmented.MG1.sam MAG1.fasta -o IS_MAG1_Long.Fragmented.MG1 --pairing_filter non_discordant --skip_mm_profiling --rarefied_coverage 200 --skip_plot_generation

Desired outputs are in: IS_MAG1_Long.Fragmented.MG1/output/IS_MAG1_Long.Fragmented.MG1_genome_info.tsv

genome/MAG name: Column 1; coverage: Column 2; nucl_diversity (pi): Column 4; nucl_diversity_rarefied (pi rarefied at 200X): Column 13; reads_mean_PID (ANIr): Column 28

Rarefaction curves and interpolation of nucleotide diversity to a standardized sequencing depth (e.g. 200X)

To generate rarefaction curves and interpolations use the Rarefaction.Interpolation.R script with coverage.table.csv and nucleotide.diversity.table.csv/anir.table.csv

Example of rarefaction curve graph:

Each line represent the nucleotide diversity and sequencing depth obtained for one MAG across all fractions of a metagenome. The diversity ratio represents the nucleotide diversity obtained for each fraction of a metagenome (subsample) divided by the nucleotide diversity of the total (before subsampling) metagenome. Specifically:

a) Green lines shows increasing diversity with increasing coverage

b) Red lines shows decreasing diversity with increasing coverage


Estimation of average estimated error (%)

To generate average estimated error (%) plots use the Average.Estimated.Error.R script with coverage.table.csv and nucleotide.diversity.table.csv/anir.table.csv

Example of rarefaction curve graph:

Estimation of the impact of sequencing depth on the accuracy of nucleotide diversity (π; left panels) and Average Nucleotide Identity (ANIr; right panels) estimates across hypersaline, marine or human gut metagenomes using Illumina, PacBio or Oxford Nanopore (ONT) sequencing platforms. The average absolute error (%) and standard deviation are shown across different levels of sequencing coverage. The error is calculated as the difference between the nucleotide diversity or ANIr for each subsampled fraction of the metagenome (subsample) divided by the nucleotide diversity of the full size (before subsampling) metagenome.



Uneven sequencing depth (coverage) influence on microdiversity estimates






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