perl "All.snps" "All.maf" "Pop1,Pop2,…,PopN"
In the paper we did this before filtering, to find the right coverage threshold, and then again after filtering for final results.
perl "All.maf" "All.cats" "All.counts"
perl "input.counts" "output.txt"
perl "All.maf" "Filtered.maf" MinCov MinMAF NumPops
perl "Filtered.maf" "Derived.maf"
perl "Derived.maf" "AFS_bins.txt"
perl <infile.maf> <outfile.fst> <npops>
You will need to check paths to other scripts within!
perl <input.snps> <output.perm> <num_iterations> <coverage_cutoff> <MAF_minimum>
This script was used to get within population Fst, but could really be used to get a subset of the .snps
file for any reason. In the below example, the output will be a new snps file with individuals 1-7 from population 1 in group 1, and individuals 8-10 from population 1 in group 2. The code “0.0” refers to “pop1.indiv1.” To get individual 4 from population 3, use the code “2.3”. The first number is pop, the number after the decimal is individual. Note that Perl number starts at 0, not 1! After subsetting the snps file, the same scripts for calculating MAF and Fst were re-run to get the new results.
perl All.snps Subset.snps 0.0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6 0.7,0.8,0.9
perl <input.snps> <output.structure> <pop_list> <names.file> <min_coverage> <min_maf>
- pop_list = A comma delimited list of numeric codes for populations, starting at 0, so ‘0,1,2’ refers to populations 1-3 in the .snps file
- names.file = A text file containing all individual names for every population. Each LINE must correspond to a single population, and consist of a comma-delimited list of individual names. Note that the naming format must meet STRUCTURE’s requirements. Below is an example for 3 populations with 4 individuals each:
The hapmap format is another text format, with rows as positions and columns as individuals. It is very similar to the .snps file, but is designed to be read by the program , which has several useful features and analytical functions. Among other things, TASSEL will output in various file formats used by other software, including Plink.
perl All.snps Out.hmp names.file minCov minMAF Haploid/Diploid
names.file = The same kind of names file used for Structure script
minCov = Population level coverage required for keeping a SNP (integer)
minMAF = minimum overall MAF for including a SNP (given as decimal)
Ploidy = Specify Haploid or Diploid (or just H or D); this affects the OUTPUT, not input. If you specify haploid, the output will have 2 lines per individual instead of 1, such that there are no heterozygous SNP codes
Step 1 gets a list of sites from the SNP file that meet the requirements of SNAPP (i.e. no missing data) The “names.file” is the same format described above.
Step 2 converts those sites to Nexus format:
perl "All.snps" "Filtered.list" "names.file"
perl "Filtered.list" "Filtered.nex"
(i.e. get a random set of individuals from each population to reduce computation time).
The list of sample sizes should be a comma delimited list of integers; desired sizes should be given in the same order of the populations in the file (e.g. 3,3,3,4 means get 3 individuals each from pops 1,2, and 3, and take 4 individuals from pop 4):
perl "Filtered.nex" "Sample.nex" <List of Sample Sizes>
Perform the ABBA-BABA test using the filtered list of SNPs with no missing data. This script will do the following: 1) randomly pick 4 individuals (1 from each population/species), 2) Determine if the site is informative, and classify the SNP as ABBA or BABA, 3) count the total number of ABBA and BABA SNPs and use this to calculate the D-statistic, 4) report a D-statistic for each sub-sampling run with bootstrap values (optional) to determine significance
perl "Filtered.list" "Out.dstats" <Num_subsamples> <Num_Bootstrap>
- Num_subsamples = The number of sub-sampling steps to perform
- Num_Bootstrap = The number of bootstrap reps to perform (if desire to calculate Z-score; this is not actually something we did in the manuscript, but has been described by others)
This script assumes the last population in the SNPs file can be treated as an outgroup, and will filter for SNPs fixed in this group. “PopList” is a comma delimited list of population names as you want them to appear in the dadi file.
perl All.snps dadiSNPs.txt <PopList>
Following the dadi manual instructions, make the frequency spectrum files as follows (as done in iPython). The remaining dadi analyses are performed in the Python scripts provided separately:
ipython -pylab
dd = dadi.Misc.make_data_dict('dadiSNPs.txt')
fs = dadi.Spectrum.from_data_dict(dd, ['POP1','POP2','POP3'], [24,24,24])
perl Filtered.list Ref.fasta IMa2.loci
perl IMa2.loci IM.infile <pops> <num.loci> <pop sizes> <seq.length> <mutation model> <inheritance scalar>
perl IM.infile Migrate.infile
(Locus format) OR
perl All.snps Migrate.infile
(“old” SNP format)
To create LAMARC input files, it is possible to use TASSEL to export into Phylip format, which is readable by LAMARC
- ABBA_BABA <input.snps> <output.dstats> <num_subsamples> <num_bootstrap>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
Note: for this script to work correctly, your outgroup pop. must be the LAST population in the file
output.dstats = The name of an output file to save all D statistics
num_subsamples = The number of replicate trees to calculate 1 D statistic
num_bootstrap = The number of bootstrap reps to check variation in D stats
- AFS <input.maf> <output_afs.bins>
input.maf = A text file with minor allele frequencies, created by snps2maf or getDerived
output.afs.bins = A text file with the allele counts for each freq. bin in each pop.
- filterMAF <input.maf> <output.filtered> <min_coverage> <min_alleleFreq> <npops>
input.maf = The input file with maf values, created by snps2maf
output.filtered = An output file with maf values for sites that pass filter threshold
min_coverage = The minimum number of non-missing individuals per pop to keep a site
min_alleleFreq = The minimum minor allele frequency to keep a site
npops = The number of populations in the file
- Fst_by_MAF <infile.maf> <outfile.fst> <npops>
infile.maf = The input file with minor allele frequencies; created by snps2maf
outfile.fst = The output file with Fst calculated for every pair of populations
npops = The number of populations in the file
- getDerived <input.filtered> <output.derived> <OUTGROUP_NAME>
input.filtered = An input text file with minor allele frequences (.maf)
output.derived = An output file with ancestral and derived frequencies
OUTGROUP_NAME = The name of the population to use as an outgroup
- getSitelist <input.snps> <output.list>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
output.list = A filtered list of sites that meet dadi or IM requirements
- loci2IM <input.loci> <output.IM.infile> <pops> <num.loci> <pop sizes> <mutation model> <inheritance scalar>
input.loci = The input file created by
output.IM.infile = The file to create that will be in IM input format
pops = A comma delimited list of population names
pop_sizes = A comma delimited list of the # individuals in each pop
mutation model = See IM documentation
inheritance scalar = See IM documentation
- makeLoci <sites.list> <consensus.fasta> <output.loci> <names.txt>
sites.list = The sites file created by
consensus.fasta = The reference fasta file
output.loci = The name of the output file to create
names.txt = A file with 1 row per population, and a comma
delimited list of names on each row
- makeRADmigrate <input.snps> <>
Note that this script was written specifically for the data set analyzed in the paper, and will NOT automatically work with any data set (with different population numbers and sample sizes).
- permuteFst <input.snps> <output.perm> <num_iterations> <coverage_cutoff> <MAF_minimum>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
output.perm = The output file to save all permuted Fst values
num.iterations = The number of permutations to perform
coverage_cutoff = The min. number individuals to keep a permuted population
MAF_minimum = The minimum MAF to keep a permuted population
- shared_v_cov <input.counts> <output.shared>
input.counts = A text file of shared snp types created by
output.shared = A output file with a line for every coverage value, and the proportion of shared sites at that cov
- SNP_Categories <input.maf> <output.cats> <output.counts>
input.maf = The input file with minor allele frequencies
output.cats = A text file with the total counts for each SNP category
output.counts = The full SNP list with a coverage category
- snps2dadi <input.snps> <output.dadi.txt> <pop1,pop2,...,popN>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
output.dadi.txt = The name of the data input file to create
A comma delimited list of population names
- snps2hmp <input.snps> <output.hmp> <names.txt> <min_cov> <min_MAF> <Haploid or Diploid>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
output.hmp = The name of a hapmap file (used by TASSEL) to create
names.txt = A file with sample names.
One line per POPULATION, with a comma delimited list of sample names in each line
min_cov = The minimum number of non-missing individuals to keep a site
min_MAF = The minimum minor allele frequency to keep a site
Haploid or Diploid = Whether to use Heterozygot codes (diploid) or print 2 haploid strings for each individual
- snps2maf <input.snps> <output.maf> <Pop_Names>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format create by RAD data pipeline
output.maf = A text file with the following columns:
CHROM.POS = The physical location of the SNP
P = The most frequent allele
Q = The minor allele
Pop1_MAF = One column per population with the minor allele frequency in that pop
Pop1_Alleles = One column per pop. with the total (non-missing) allele count
Total_MAF = The overall minor allele frequency for the data set
Pop_Names: Must be a comma delimited list of names; used in column
- snps2nexus <input.snps> <output.nex> <names.txt>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
output.nex = The name of a nexus output file to create
names.txt = A file with 1 row per population, and a comma delimited list of names on each row
- snps2structure <input.snps> <output.structure> <pop_list> <names.file> <min_coverage> <min_maf>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
output.structure = The name of an output file in STRUCTURE input format
pop_list = A numeric list of which populations to include (start at 0). Each number corresponds to a row in:
names.file = A text file with 1 ROW per POP, with comma delimited sample names in each row
min_coverage = The minimum coverage per population to keep a site
min_maf = The minimum minor allele freq. to keep a site
- subSample_nex <input.nex> <output.nex> <List of Subsample sizes>
input.nex = The name of the full input nexus file
output.nex = The name of the subsampled output nexus file
List of Subsample Sizes = A comma delimited list of the # individuals to subsample from each population
- subsetSNPs <input.snps> <output.snps> <pop1.ind1,pop1.ind2> <pop2.ind1,pop2.ind2>
input.snps = The input file in .snps format
output.snps = The name of an output file also in .snps format
A separate list of individuals to include in each subset population
Population and Individual Numbers should be 0-based
Any number of new output populations may be specified
Individual IDs may be re-used