An automated system for ordering products from
- Open a web browser and navigate to the user input form url
- Fill out the requested user information then submit
- The next page will give you a table indicating the traffic light colors for each product (Green Means Go)
- Connect Pi-Order to your internet via ethernet cable
- Allow the Pi-Order to boot up
- If a Green Light appears then your Pi-Order is connected to your wifi
- If you see a blinking Red Light there was a error. Make sure wifi info. is correct
- Unplug the Pi-Order from the power outlet then from the ethernet connection
- Place Pi-Order where you would like it to reside then plug back into a power outlet
- Green Light means you are good to go, blinking Red Light means there was an error
- Spin selection knob until the lighting tree shows the colors corresponding to the product you would like to order
- Press the order button
- The light tree will then change to Red-Yellow Light meaning your order is being processed
- The lighting tree will either show a green light or a red light based on whether the order was processed correctly
- If the lighting tree shows red then try submitting the order again and make sure product info is correct
All of the source code is available via this repo.
- Selenium - Web Driver
- Pyvirtualdisplay - Headless Browser Instances
- Body-Parser - Parse HTTP Requests
- Express - Web Framework
- Jsonfile - Read/Write JSON Data
- Pug - Templating engine
- Python-Shell - Run Python From Node
- Rotary Encoder - Product Selection
- Button - Order Initiation
- Lighting Tree - User Interface
- Raspberry Pi Model B - Client Hardware Platform
- Case - Hardware Protection
- Power Adapter - Hardware Power
- Requests - Handle HTTP Requests
- Json - Parse JSON Data
- Pexpect - Ensure Commands were Executed Properly
- Wifi - Setting Up Wifi Connections on RPi
- Python3 - RPi Hardware Control and Web Automation
- NodeJS - Web Application Creation and HTTP Request Control
- Jayson Perkins - Hardware Control, Automation, HTTP Request Control - jperk51
- Joe Dye - Automation, Initial Web Application, Server Management - dyej
- Corey Ferris - Final Web Application, Web Application Styling - cferris32
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.