Tiny dom helpers, only supports IE9+.
Install the pkg with npm:
npm install tiny-dom-helpers --save
or yarn
yarn add tiny-dom-helpers
or bower
bower install tiny-dom-helpers
You can also hot-link the CDN version: https://unpkg.com/tiny-dom-helpers/dist/index.js, tinyDOM
is exposed to window
If we have some dom elements as follows:
<div id="div" style="position: relative">
<div id="test">33333</div>
<span id='span' class="test1 test2">Hello</span>
<span id="span2">22222</span>
import { css, offset, createTinyDOM } from 'tiny-dom-helpers';
// get dom element
let span = document.getElementById('span');
let s = createTinyDOM(span);
// => ['test1', 'test2']
s.addClass('tt t2')
// => ['test1', 'test2', 'tt', 't2']
s.removeClass('test2 t2')
// or s.removeClass(/2/);
// => ['test1', 'tt']
// => ['test1', 'rr']
// => true
// => the next element of span, eg: span#test
// => the parent element of span, eg: p
// => the closest positioned element of span, eg: div#div
// => the previous element of span, eg: div#div2
css(span, 'width', null)
// => span's width, eg: 20px
css(span, 'font-size', ":after")
// => eg: 10px
// => the position of span relative to ducument. eg: {top: 100, left: 100, width: 10, height: 20}
Return the css properyty of node or node's pseudo-element.
Return the size and position of the element's bounding box, relative to the document.
Return an instance of TinyDOM.
Return an array of the class names on the element.
Check whether the element has the given class and return a boolean.
Add the given class in the class list if it doesn't exist and return the instance.
Remove the given class in the class list if it's already exist and return the instance.
Toggle the given class in the class list and return the instance.
Replaces an existing class with a new class and return the instance.
Text's getter/setter of the element and return the text.
Attributes' getter/setter of the element and return the prop value.
Return the node name of the element.
Return the width of the element or it's pseudo-elements.
Return the height of the element or it's pseudo-elements.
Return the size and position of the element's bounding box, relative to the viewport.
Return the object which is the closest positioned containing element.
Return the size and position of the element's bounding box, relative to the offsetParent.
Return the previous HTMLElment of the element.
Return the next HTMLElment of the element.
Return the parent HTMLElment of the element.
Check whether the given node is the element's children and return a boolean.