Mbm_trnplot: Added extraction of TRN localization estimates in longitude and latitude.
Mbtrnpp: Now includes longitude and latitude values of TRN localization estimates into
the log file (in addition to the coordinate reference system used for the reference
Mbgrdviz: Fixed importation of non-csv raw site files.
Formats 88 and 89 (MBF_RESON7KR and MBF_RESON7K3): Change to allow pings to be valid if
a BeamGeometry record has been read earlier in the file (as opposed to having a
BeamGeometry record for every ping).
Formats 88 and 89 (MBF_RESON7KR and MBF_RESON7K3): Fixed problem calculating sample times
for attitude data in s7k 1016 Attitude data records.