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RISC-V Instruction Set Reference Card aka Cheat Sheet


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RISC-V Instruction Set Cheat Sheet

WARNING: expect mistakes

References :

Definitions, Abbreviations

EEI - Execution Environment Interface
RVWMO - RISC-V Weak Memory Ordering
imm<N>, off<N> - signed immediate (or offset), <N> bit constant (imm5, imm12, imm20, imm32, off12, off20)
uimm<N> - unsigned immediate, <N> bit constant (uimm5, uimm20)
rd - Register, Destination
rs - Register, Source (rs1, rs2)
XLEN - 32 bit for RV32I, 64 bit for RV64I and 128 bit for RV128I.


Four standard base ISAs:

  • RV32I - 32 bit address space
  • RV64I
  • RV128I
  • RV32E - reduced RV32I for embedded uCs. 16 integer registers instead of 32.
Extension description
I Base integer (addition, subtraction, load, store, control flow)
M Multiplication, division
A Atomic instruction extension (read, modify, write)
F Single precision floating point
D Double precision floating point
C Compressed extension. 16 bit instructions. For embedded CPUs.
H Hypervisor
Q Quad-precision floating point extension
Word size bits
halfword 16 bits
word 32 bits
doubleword 64 bits
quadword 128 bits

Instructions 32 bit aligned on 32 bit boundaries.
IALIGN = 32 or 16 - instruction-address alignment constraint.

Instruction format

Parcel - 16 bit in little-endian byte order. In memory - little endian byte order:

Byte address |    00    ||    01    ||   02   ||   03   |
Parcels      |    low bits parcel   || high bits parcel |
             | xxxbbb11 || xxxxxxxx || high bits parcel |

RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set, Version 2.1

40 unique instructions

RV32I Unprivileged registers

ISA doesn't enforce link and stack pointer register.

Reg ABI Preserverd? Description
x0 zero - read as zero, write is ignored
x1 ra n ret addr - used to hold subroutine return address (link register) in standard SW convention
x2 sp y used to hold stack pointer in standard SW convention
x3 gp - global pointer
x4 tp - thread pointer
x5 t0 n temp reg 0, alternate link register
x6 t1 n temp reg 1
x7 t2 n temp reg 2
x8 s0 y saved register 0 or frame pointer
x9 s1 y saved register 1
x10 a0 n return value or function argument 0
x11 a1 n return value or function argument 1
x12 a2 n function argument 2
x13 a3 n function argument 3
x14 a4 n function argument 4
x15 a5 n function argument 5
x16 a6 n function argument 6
x17 a7 n function argument 7
x18 s2 y saved register 2
x19 s3 y saved register 3
x20 s4 y saved register 4
x21 s5 y saved register 5
x22 s6 y saved register 6
x23 s7 y saved register 7
x24 s8 y saved register 8
x25 s9 y saved register 9
x26 s10 y saved register 10
x27 s11 y saved register 11
x28 t3 n temp reg 2
x29 t4 n temp reg 2
x30 t5 n temp reg 2
x31 t6 n temp reg 6
pc --- - Program counter

RISC-V base instructions format

R-type: opcode[0:6] rd [7:11]  funct3[12:14] rs1[15:19] rs2[20:24] funct7[25:31]
I-type: opcode[0:6] rd [7:11]  funct3[12:14] rs1[15:19] imm[20:31]
S-type: opcode[0:6] imm[7:11]  funct3[12:14] rs1[15:19] rs2[20:24] imm   [25:31]
U-type: opcode[0:6] rd [11:7]  imm   [12:31]

rs - source
rd - destination
CSR - control and status registers

Integer Register-Immediate instructions

Instr Parameters Pseudo-code Description
addi rd, rs1, imm12 rd = rs1 + imm12 add imm12. Arithmetic overflow is ignored
slti rd, rs1, imm12 if rs1 < imm12 then rd = 1 else rd = 0 set less than imm12; rs is signed
sltiu rd, rs1, imm12 if rs1 < imm12 then rd = 1 else rd = 0 set less than imm12 ; rs1 is unsigned
andi rd, rs1, imm12 rd = rs1 & sign_extend(imm12) bitwise AND of rs1 with imm12
ori rd, rs1, imm12 rd = rs1 sign_extend(imm12)
xori rd, rs1, imm12 rd = rs1 ^ sign_extend(imm12) bitwise XOR of rs1 with imm12
srli rd, rs1, imm5 rd = rs1 >> imm5 shift right logical imm5 (zeros shift in upper bits)
slli rd, rs1, imm5 rd = rs1 << imm5 shift left logical imm5 (zeros shift in lower bits)
srai rd, rs1, imm5 rd = rs1 >> imm5 ; rd[31] = rs1[31] shift right arithmetic imm5
(sign bit copied in vacated upper bits)
lui rd, uimm20 rd = uimm20 << 12 Load Upper Immediate
auipc rd, uimm20 rd = (uimm20 << 12) + pc Add upper immediate to PC

Integer pseudo instructions

Pseudo instr Real instruction Pseudo-code Description
nop addi x0, x0, 0 no operation
mv rd, rs1 addi rd, rs1, 0 rd = rs1 move (copy) register rs1 to rd
seqz d, rs1 sltiu rd, rs1, 1 if rs1 == 0 then rd = 1 else rd = 0 set equal zero
not rd, rs1 xori rd, rs1, -1 rd = ~rs1 bitwise NOT
li   - load imm32
la rd, symbol (non-PIC) - load absolute address, where delta = symbol - pc
la rd, symbol (PIC)     - load absolute address, where delta = GOT[symbol] - pc
la rd, symbol           - Loadl local address, where delta = symbol - pc

li rd, imm32
# real two instructions
lui  rd, imm32[31:12]
addi rd, rd, imm32[11:0]

li a0, 0xdeadbeef
# real instructions:
lui a0, 0xdeadb
addi a0, a0, 0xeef

# - load absolute address, where delta = symbol - pc
la rd, symbol (non-PIC) 
# real two instructions
auipc rd, delta[31:12] + delta[11]
addi  rd, rd, delta[11:0]
# rd = pc + (delta[31:12] + delta[11] << 12)
# rd = rd + delta[11:0]

# Example
# stack_top = 8000804c
#        pc = 80000008
la    sp, stack_top 
# delta = 0x8000804c - 0x80000008 = 0x8044
auipc   sp,0x8      # sp = 80000008 + 0x8 << 12 = 0x80008008
addi    sp,sp,0x44  # sp = 0x80008008 + 0x44 = 0x8000804c

# - load absolute address, where delta = GOT[symbol] - pc
la rd, symbol (PIC)     

# - Loadl local address, where delta = symbol - pc
la rd, symbol           

Integer Register-Register Operations

Instr Parameters Pseudo-code Description
add rd, rs1, rs2 rd = rs1 + rs2 Addition of rs1 and rs2. Overflow is ignored.
sub  - substruction of rs2 from rs1. Overflow is ignored.
slt  - set less than
sltu - set less than unsigned
sll - shift left logical
srl - shift right logical
sra - shift right arithmetic
# substruction of rs2 from rs1. Overflow is ignored.
sub rd, rs1, rs2
 # rd = rs1 - rs2

# set less than
slt rd, rs1, rs2
 # if rs1 < rs2 then rd = 1 else rd = 0

# set less than unsigned
sltu rd, rs1, rs2
 # if rs1 < rs2 then rd = 1 else rd = 0

and rd, rs1, rs2
 # rd = rs1 & rs2

or rd, rs1, rs2
 # rd = rs1 | rs2

xor rd, rs1, rs2
 # rd = rs1 ^ rs2

sll rd, rs1, rs2
 # rd = rs1 << rs2[4:0]

Integer Register-Register pseudoinstruction

snez - set not qual zero pseudoinstruction

snez rd, rs2 == sltu rd, x0, rs2

# set not qual zero pseudoinstruction
snez rd, rs2 # == sltu rd, x0, rs2
# if rs2 > 0 then rd = 1 else rd = 0

Unconditional Jumps

Instr Parameters Pseudo-code Description
jal rd, off20 rd = pc + 4 ; pc = pc + off20 << 1 Jump And Link. Addresses +/- 1 MiB.
jalr rd, off12(rs1) rd = pc + 4 ; pc = rs1 + off12; pc[0] = 0 Jump And Link Regitster

Standard calling convention to use link register rd as x1 or x5.

# Jump 32-bit relative to PC
auipc t0, address[31:12]    # load 20-bit higher bits of address + pc
jalr  x1, t0, address[11:0] # jump to t0 + 12-bit low address
 # t0 = address[31:12] + pc
 # x1 = pc + 4
 # pc = t0 + address[11:0]

# Jump any 32 bit address
lui  t0, address[31:12]     # load 20-bit higher bits of address
jalr x1, t0, address[11:0]  # jump to pc + address[31:0]
 # t0 = address[31:12]
 # x1 = pc + 4
 # pc = t0 + address[11:0]

Unconditional Jumps Pseudo Instructions

Pseudo instr Real instruction Pseudo-code Description
ret jalr x0, 0(x1) pc = x1 Return from subroutine
j - plain unconditional jump pseudoinstruction
jal - also a pseudoverison of jal instruction

j   off20 == jal x0, off20
jal off20 == jal x1, off20

# plain unconditional jump pseudoinstruction
j off20
 # pc = pc + sing_extend(off20)

jal off20 - pseudo instruction
 # x1 = pc + 4         # x1 == ra
 # pc = pc + off20 << 1

Conditional Branches

All branch instruction encode 12-bit sign extended off12 of 2 bytes. The Conditional branch is +/- 4 KiB.

Instr Parameters Pseudo-code Description
beq rs1, rs2, off12 if rs1 == rs2 then pc = pc + off12 << 1 Branch Equal
bne rs1, rs2, off12 if rs1 != rs2 then pc = pc + off12 << 1 Branch Not Equal
blt rs1, rs2, off12 if rs1 < rs2 then pc = pc + off12 << 1 Branch Less than

bne - branch not equal
bltu - Branch Less Than Unsigned
bge - Branch Greater Equal
bgeu - Branch Greater Equal Unsigned

# branch less than
blt rs1, rs2, off12
 # if rs1 < rs2 then pc = pc + off12 << 1

# Branch Less Than Unsigned
bltu rs1, rs2, off12
 # if rs1 < rs2 then pc = pc + off12 << 1

# Branch Greater Equal
bge rs1, rs2, off12
 # if rs1 >= rs2 then pc = pc + off12 << 1

# Branch Greater Equal Unsigned
bgeu rs1, rs2, off12
 # if rs1 >= rs2 then pc = pc + off12 << 1

Conditional Pseudo Instructions

Pseudo instr Real instruction Pseudo-code Description
bnez rs1, off12 bne rs1, x0, off12 if rs1 != 0 then pc = pc + off12 << 1 Branch Not Equal Zero
beqz rs, off12  - branch if == 0
blez rs, off12  - branch if <= 0
bqez rs, off12  - branch if >= 0
bltz rs, off12  - branch if < 0
bgtz rs, off12  - branch if > 0
beqz rs, off12 == beq rs, x0, off12

blez rs, off12  ==
bqez rs, off12  ==
bltz rs, off12  ==
bgtz rs, off12  ==

Load and Store Instructions

These instructions load (read) or store (write) data from/to memory to/from registers. All load and store instructions calculate address by sign extending 12-bit immediate before adding to rs1 register value. Some instructions sign-extend read value, i.e. copy most left bit to the rest of bits of the rd register.

Instr Parameters Pseudo-code Description
lbu rd, off12(rs1) rd[7:0] = memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] Load Byte Unsigned
rd[XLEN:8] = 0 zero extends rd
lb rd, off12(rs1) rd[7:0] = memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] Load Byte from memory
rd[XLEN:8] = sign sign extends rd
lhu rd, off12(rs1) rd[15:0] = memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] Load Halfword from memory
rd[XLEN:16] = 0
lh rd, off12(rs1) rd[15:0] = memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] Load Halfword from memory
rd[XLEN:16] = sign sign extends rd
lw rd, off12(rs1) rd[31:0] = memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] Load Word from memory
rd[XLEN:32] = sign sign extends rd
sb rs2, off12(rs1) memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] = rs2[7:0] Store Byte to memory at address rs1 + sign_extend(off12)
sh rs2, off12(rs1) memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] = rs2[15:0] Store Halfword to memory at address rs1 + sign_extend(off12)
sw rs2, off12(rs1) memory[rs1 + sign_extend(off12)] = rs2[31:0] Store Word to memory at address rs1 + sign_extend(off12)

Memory Ordering Instructions


Environment Call and Breakpoints

ecall ebreak

RV64I Integer Computational Instructions

32-bit word is always sign extended to 64-bit word

addiw - add imm12 word

addw  - add word
subw  - Subtract word 


RV64I Load and Store

ld - Load Doubleword 
sd - Store Doubleword

Multiplication Operations

"M" extension

mul     - multiplication, low XLEN bits
mulh    - multiplication, high XLEN bits, signed x signed
mulhu   - multiplication, high XLEN bits, unsigned x unsigned
mulhsu  - multiplication, high XLEN bits, signed rs1, unsigned rs2
mulw    - RV64 instruction
# full restult - two instructions
mulh rdh, rs1, rs2
mul  rdl, rs1, rs2
 # result is in rdh - [63:32] and rdl - [31:0]
div t0, rs1, rs2
 # t0 = round_to_zero(rs1 / rs2)

rem t1, rs1, rs2

Load-Reserved/Store-Conditional Instructions

"A" Standard Extension for Atomic Instructions, Version 2.1

lr.w  - load reserve, word
sc.w  - store conditional, word
lr.d  - loard reserve, doubleword
sc.d  - store conditional, doubleword
# store conditional, word
sc.w t0, a2, (a0)
 # if success then mem[a0] = a2, t0 = 0; else t0 = not(0x0)

Compare and Swap (CAS) example:

# a0 holds address of memory location
# a1 holds expected value
# a2 holds desired value
# a0 holds return value, 0 if successful, !0 otherwise
    lr.w t0, (a0)       # Load original value.
    bne t0, a1, fail    # Doesn’t match, so fail.
    sc.w t0, a2, (a0)   # Try to update.
    bnez t0, cas        # Retry if store-conditional failed.
    li a0, 0            # Set return to success.
    jr ra               # Return.
    li a0, 1            # Set return to failure.
    jr ra               # Return.

Atomic Memory Operations

amoswap.w  - Atomic Memory Operation, Swap, Word
amoadd.w   - Atomic Memory Operation, Add, Word
amoadd.d   - Atomic Memory Operation, Add, Doubleword 
amominu.d - then no later memory operations in this RISC-V harts 
          can be observed to take place before the AMO
xx.y.rl - then other RISC-V harts will not observe the AMO before 
          memory accesses preceding the AMO in this RISC-V hart.
# a0 contains the address of the lock
    li t0, 1         # Initialize swap value.
    lw t1, (a0)      # Check if lock is held.
  bnez t1, t0, (a0) # Attempt to acquire lock.
  bnez         t1, again    # Retry if held.
  # ...
  # Critical section.
  # ...
  amoswap.w.rl x0, x0, (a0) # Release lock by storing 0.

CSR Instructions

CSR - Control Status Register. All CSR instructions atomically read-modify-write a single CSR.
All reads from CSRs are zero extended to XLEN bits before writing to rd.
If rd == x0 then CSR is not read, i.e. no side effect of reading the CSR.

Instr Parameters Pseudo-code Description
csrrw rd, csr, rs1 rd = csr, csr = rs1 CSR Read, Write.
csrrs rd, csr, rs1 rd = csr, csr = csr | rs1 CSR Read, Set bit mask.
csrrc rd, csr, rs1 rd = csr, csr = csr & ~rs1 CSR Read, Clear bit mask.
csrrwi rd, csr, uimm5 rd = csr, csr = 0..0 | uimm5 CSR Read, Write uimm5
csrrsi rd, csr, uimm5 rd = csr, csr = csr | uimm5 CSR Read, Set by 5 bit mask.
csrrci rd, csr, uimm5 rd = csr, csr = csr & ~uimm5 CSR Read, Clear by 5 bit mask.

csrrsi, csrrci always cause CSR read side effect.

uimm5 - unsigned 5 bit immediate constant. It's zero extended before writing to a CSR.

CSR Pseudo instructions:

Pseudo instr Real instruction Pseudo-code Description
csrr rd, csr csrrs rd, csr, x0 rd = csr CSR, Read
csrw csr, rs csrrw x0, csr, rs1 csr = rs CSR, Write
csrwi   writ imm5 to CSR
csrs    set bit in CSR
csrc    clear bit in CSR
csrsi   set #imm5 bit mask in CSR
csrci   clear #imm5 bit mask in CSR

csrwi csr, uimm5 == csrrwi x0, csr, uimm5
csrs  csr, rs1   == csrrs x0, csr, rs1
csrc  csr, rs1   == csrrc x0, csr, rs1
csrsi csr, uimm5 == csrrsi x0, csr, uimm5


RISC-V Instruction Set Reference Card aka Cheat Sheet





