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Fixed: Export AR does not trigger dummy entity update
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Updated: General purpose export and AR
Updated: POA export method
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dvdvideo1234 committed Jun 18, 2024
1 parent 37a8b0e commit fb080f8
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Showing 2 changed files with 135 additions and 129 deletions.
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions lua/autorun/trackassembly_init.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ local asmlib = trackasmlib; if(not asmlib) then -- Module present
------------ CONFIGURE ASMLIB ------------


------------ CONFIGURE GLOBAL INIT OPVARS ------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1700,21 +1700,21 @@ asmlib.CreateTable("PIECES",{
asmlib.LogInstance("("..fPref..") Cannot sort cache data",vSrc); return false end
local noSQL = asmlib.GetOpVar("MISS_NOSQL")
local symOff = asmlib.GetOpVar("OPSYM_DISABLE")
local dCass = asmlib.GetOpVar("ENTITY_DEFCLASS")
for iIdx = 1, tSort.Size do local stRec = tSort[iIdx]
local sClass = asmlib.GetOpVar("ENTITY_DEFCLASS")
for iR = 1, tSort.Size do
local stRec = tSort[iR]
local tData = tCache[stRec.Key]
local sData, tOffs = defTab.Name, tData.Offs
sData = sData..sDelim..makTab:Match(stRec.Key,1,true,"\"")..sDelim..
makTab:Match(((asmlib.ModelToName(stRec.Key) == tData.Name) and symOff or tData.Name),3,true,"\"")
-- Matching crashes only for numbers. The number is already inserted, so there will be no crash
for iInd = 1, #tOffs do local stPnt = tData.Offs[iInd] -- Read current offset
local sO, sA = stPnt.O:Export(noSQL), stPnt.A:Export(noSQL)
-- TODO: Find better way to export points and consider raw data
local sP = (stPnt.O:Raw() and stPnt.P:Raw() or (stPnt.O:IsSame(stPnt.P) )) stPnt.P:Export(noSQL)
local sC = (tData.Unit and tostring(tData.Unit or noSQL) or noSQL)
sC = ((sC == dCass) and noSQL or sC)
for iD = 1, #tOffs do
local stPnt = tData.Offs[iD] -- Read current offsets from the model
local sP, sO, sA = stPnt.P:Export(stPnt.O), stPnt.O:Export(), stPnt.A:Export()
local sC = (asmlib.IsHere(tData.Unit) and tostring(tData.Unit) or noSQL)
sC = ((sC == sClass) and noSQL or sC) -- Export default class as noSQL
end; return true
Expand Down
244 changes: 125 additions & 119 deletions lua/trackassembly/trackasmlib.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1559,11 +1559,15 @@ function NewPOA()
if(tPOA[iD] ~= self[iD]) then return false end
end; return true
function self:Export(sDes)
local sS = self:String()
function self:Export(tCmp, sDes)
local sS, sE = self:String()
local sD = tostring(sDes or mMis)
local sE = (self:IsZero() and sD or sS)
return (mRaw and mRaw or sE)
if(tCmp) then
sE = (self:IsSame(tCmp) and sD or sS)
sE = (self:IsZero() and sD or sS)
return (mRaw or sE)
function self:Decode(sStr, ...)
local bV, sS = GetEmpty(sStr) -- Default to string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3875,126 +3879,129 @@ end
function ExportTypeAR(sType)
if(SERVER) then return nil end
if(not IsBlank(sType)) then
local qPieces, qAdditions
local sFunc = "ExportTypeAR"
local sBase = GetOpVar("DIRPATH_BAS")
local noSQL = GetOpVar("MISS_NOSQL")
local sTool = GetOpVar("TOOLNAME_NL")
local sPref = sType:gsub("[^%w]","_")
local sMoDB = GetOpVar("MODE_DATABASE")
local sForm = GetOpVar("FORM_FILENAMEAR")
local sS = sBase..GetOpVar("DIRPATH_SET")
sS = sS..sForm:format(sTool)
local sN = sBase..GetOpVar("DIRPATH_EXP")
sN = sN..sForm:format(sPref)
local fE = fileOpen(sN, "wb", "DATA"); if(not fE) then
LogInstance("Generate fail "..GetReport(sN)); return end
local fS = fileOpen(sS, "rb", "DATA"); if(not fS) then fE:Flush(); fE:Close()
LogInstance("Source fail "..GetReport(sS)) return end
local makP = GetBuilderNick("PIECES"); if(not makP) then
LogInstance("Missing table builder"); return end
local defP = makP:GetDefinition(); if(not defP) then
LogInstance("Missing table definition"); return end
if(sMoDB == "SQL") then
local qsKey = GetOpVar("FORM_KEYSTMT")
if(not IsHere(makP)) then
LogInstance("Missing table builder PIECES")
if(IsBlank(sType)) then return nil end
local qPieces, qAdditions
local sFunc = "ExportTypeAR"
local sBase = GetOpVar("DIRPATH_BAS")
local noSQL = GetOpVar("MISS_NOSQL")
local sTool = GetOpVar("TOOLNAME_NL")
local sPref = sType:gsub("[^%w]","_")
local sMoDB = GetOpVar("MODE_DATABASE")
local sForm = GetOpVar("FORM_FILENAMEAR")
local sS = sBase..GetOpVar("DIRPATH_SET")
sS = sS..sForm:format(sTool)
local sN = sBase..GetOpVar("DIRPATH_EXP")
sN = sN..sForm:format(sPref)
local fE = fileOpen(sN, "wb", "DATA"); if(not fE) then
LogInstance("Generate fail "..GetReport(sN)); return end
local fS = fileOpen(sS, "rb", "DATA"); if(not fS) then fE:Flush(); fE:Close()
LogInstance("Source fail "..GetReport(sS)) return end
local makP = GetBuilderNick("PIECES"); if(not makP) then
LogInstance("Missing table builder"); return end
local defP = makP:GetDefinition(); if(not defP) then
LogInstance("Missing table definition"); return end
if(sMoDB == "SQL") then
local qsKey = GetOpVar("FORM_KEYSTMT")
if(not IsHere(makP)) then
LogInstance("Missing table builder PIECES")
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
local qType = makP:Match(sType, 2, true)
local Q = CacheStmt(qsKey:format(sFunc, "PIECES"), nil, qType)
if(not Q) then
local sStmt = makP:Select():Where({2,"%s"}):Order(1,4):Get()
if(not IsHere(sStmt)) then LogInstance("Build statement failed")
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
local qType = makP:Match(sType, 2, true)
local Q = CacheStmt(qsKey:format(sFunc, "PIECES"), nil, qType)
if(not Q) then
local sStmt = makP:Select():Where({2,"%s"}):Order(1,4):Get()
if(not IsHere(sStmt)) then LogInstance("Build statement failed")
end; Q = CacheStmt(qsKey:format(sFunc, "PIECES"), sStmt, qType)
qPieces = sqlQuery(Q)
if(not qPieces and isbool(qPieces)) then
LogInstance("SQL exec error "..GetReport1(sqlLastError()))
LogInstance("SQL exec query "..GetReport1(Q))
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
elseif(sMoDB == "LUA") then
local iCnt = 0; qPieces = {}
local tCache = libCache[defP.Name]
local pkModel = makP:GetColumnName(1)
local sLineID = makP:GetColumnName(4)
local sClass = asmlib.GetOpVar("ENTITY_DEFCLASS")
for mod, rec in pairs(tCache) do
if(rec.Type == sType) then
local iID = 1 -- Start from the first point
local rPOA = rec.tOffs[iID]; if(not IsHere(rPOA)) then
LogInstance("Missing point ID "..GetReport2(iID, rec.Slot))
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
end; Q = CacheStmt(qsKey:format(sFunc, "PIECES"), sStmt, qType)
qPieces = sqlQuery(Q)
if(not qPieces and isbool(qPieces)) then
LogInstance("SQL exec error "..GetReport1(sqlLastError()))
LogInstance("SQL exec query "..GetReport1(Q))
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
elseif(sMoDB == "LUA") then
local iCnt = 0; qPieces = {}
local tCache = libCache[defP.Name]
local pkModel = makP:GetColumnName(1)
local sLineID = makP:GetColumnName(4)
for mod, rec in pairs(tCache) do
if(rec.Type == sType) then local iID = 1
local rPOA = LocatePOA(rec, iID); if(not IsHere(rPOA)) then
LogInstance("Missing point ID "..GetReport2(iID, rec.Slot))
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
while(rPOA) do iCnt = (iCnt + 1)
qPieces[iCnt] = {} -- Allocate row memory
local qRow = qPieces[iCnt]
local sC = (rec.Unit and tostring(rec.Unit or noSQL) or noSQL)
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(1)] = rec.Slot
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(2)] = rec.Type
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(3)] = rec.Name
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(4)] = iID
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(5)] = rPOA.P:Export(noSQL)
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(6)] = rPOA.O:Export(noSQL)
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(7)] = rPOA.A:Export(noSQL)
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(8)] = sC
iID = (iID + 1); rPOA = LocatePOA(rec, iID)
while(rPOA) do
iCnt = (iCnt + 1); qPieces[iCnt] = {} -- Allocate row memory
local qRow = qPieces[iCnt]
local sP, sO, sA = stPnt.P:Export(stPnt.O), stPnt.O:Export(), stPnt.A:Export()
local sC = (asmlib.IsHere(tData.Unit) and tostring(tData.Unit) or noSQL)
sC = ((sC == sClass) and noSQL or sC) -- Export default class as noSQL
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(1)] = rec.Slot
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(2)] = rec.Type
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(3)] = rec.Name
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(4)] = iID
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(5)] = sP
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(6)] = sO
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(7)] = sA
qRow[makP:GetColumnName(8)] = sC
iID = (iID + 1); rPOA = rec.tOffs[iID]
local tSort = Sort(qPieces, {pkModel, sLineID}); if(not tSort) then
LogInstance("Sort cache mismatch"); return end; tableEmpty(qPieces)
for iD = 1, tSort.Size do qPieces[iD] = tSort[iD].Rec end
LogInstance("Wrong database mode "..GetReport1(sMoDB))
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
if(IsHere(qPieces) and IsHere(qPieces[1])) then
local patCateg = GetOpVar("PATTEX_CATEGORY")
local patWorks = GetOpVar("PATTEX_WORKSHID")
local patPiece = GetOpVar("PATTEX_TABLEDPS")
local patAddit = GetOpVar("PATTEX_TABLEDAD")
local patAddon = GetOpVar("PATTEX_VARADDON")
local keyBuild = GetOpVar("KEYQ_BUILDER"); qPieces[keyBuild] = makP
local sLine, isEOF, isSkip, sInd, qAdditions = "", false, false, " ", {}
while(not isEOF) do
sLine, isEOF = GetStringFile(fS, true)
sLine = sLine:gsub("%s*$", "")
if(sLine:find(patAddon)) then isSkip = true
fE:Write("local myAddon = \""..sType.."\"\n")
elseif(sLine:find(patCateg)) then isSkip = true
local tCat = GetOpVar("TABLE_CATEGORIES")[sType]
if(istable(tCat) and tCat.Txt) then
fE:Write("local myCategory = {\n")
fE:Write(sInd:rep(1).."[myType] = {Txt = [[\n")
fE:Write("local myCategory = {}\n")
elseif(sLine:find(patWorks)) then isSkip = true
local sID = WorkshopID(sType)
if(sID and sID:len() > 0) then
fE:Write("asmlib.WorkshopID(myAddon, \""..sID.."\")\n")
elseif(sLine:find(patPiece)) then isSkip = true
ExportPiecesAR(fE, qPieces, "myPieces", sInd, qAdditions)
elseif(sLine:find(patAddit)) then isSkip = true
ExportPiecesAR(fE, qAdditions, "myAdditions", sInd)
local tSort = Sort(qPieces, {pkModel, sLineID}); if(not tSort) then
LogInstance("Sort cache mismatch"); return end; tableEmpty(qPieces)
for iD = 1, tSort.Size do qPieces[iD] = tSort[iD].Rec end
LogInstance("Wrong database mode "..GetReport1(sMoDB))
fE:Flush(); fE:Close(); fS:Close(); return
if(IsHere(qPieces) and IsHere(qPieces[1])) then
local patCateg = GetOpVar("PATTEX_CATEGORY")
local patWorks = GetOpVar("PATTEX_WORKSHID")
local patPiece = GetOpVar("PATTEX_TABLEDPS")
local patAddit = GetOpVar("PATTEX_TABLEDAD")
local patAddon = GetOpVar("PATTEX_VARADDON")
local keyBuild = GetOpVar("KEYQ_BUILDER"); qPieces[keyBuild] = makP
local sLine, isEOF, isSkip, sInd, qAdditions = "", false, false, " ", {}
while(not isEOF) do
sLine, isEOF = GetStringFile(fS, true)
sLine = sLine:gsub("%s*$", "")
if(sLine:find(patAddon)) then isSkip = true
fE:Write("local myAddon = \""..sType.."\"\n")
elseif(sLine:find(patCateg)) then isSkip = true
local tCat = GetOpVar("TABLE_CATEGORIES")[sType]
if(istable(tCat) and tCat.Txt) then
fE:Write("local myCategory = {\n")
fE:Write(sInd:rep(1).."[myType] = {Txt = [[\n")
if(isSkip and IsBlank(sLine:Trim())) then isSkip = false end
fE:Write("local myCategory = {}\n")
if(not isSkip) then
if(isEOF) then fE:Write(sLine) else fE:Write(sLine.."\n") end
elseif(sLine:find(patWorks)) then isSkip = true
local sID = WorkshopID(sType)
if(sID and sID:len() > 0) then
fE:Write("asmlib.WorkshopID(myAddon, \""..sID.."\")\n")
elseif(sLine:find(patPiece)) then isSkip = true
ExportPiecesAR(fE, qPieces, "myPieces", sInd, qAdditions)
elseif(sLine:find(patAddit)) then isSkip = true
ExportPiecesAR(fE, qAdditions, "myAdditions", sInd)
if(isSkip and IsBlank(sLine:Trim())) then isSkip = false end
if(not isSkip) then
if(isEOF) then fE:Write(sLine) else fE:Write(sLine.."\n") end
fE:Write("\n"); fE:Flush()
fE:Close(); fS:Close()
fE:Write("\n"); fE:Flush()
fE:Close(); fS:Close()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4625,10 +4632,9 @@ function NewPiece(pPly,sModel,vPos,aAng,nMass,sBgSkIDs,clColor,sMode)
local aAng = Angle(aAng or GetOpVar("ANG_ZERO"))
if(InSpawnMargin(pPly, stData, vPos, aAng)) then
LogInstance("Spawn margin stop <"..sModel..">"); return nil end
local sClass = GetOpVar("ENTITY_DEFCLASS")
local ePiece = entsCreate(GetEmpty(stData.Unit, nil, 1, sClass))
if(not (ePiece and ePiece:IsValid())) then -- Create the piece unit
LogInstance("Piece invalid <"..tostring(ePiece)..">"); return nil end
local sClass = GetEmpty(stData.Unit, nil, 1, GetOpVar("ENTITY_DEFCLASS"))
local ePiece = entsCreate(sClass); if(not (ePiece and ePiece:IsValid())) then
LogInstance("Piece invalid "..GetReport2(sClass, sModel)); return nil end
Expand All @@ -4650,7 +4656,7 @@ function NewPiece(pPly,sModel,vPos,aAng,nMass,sBgSkIDs,clColor,sMode)
ePiece.owner, ePiece.Owner = pPly, pPly -- Some PPs actually use this value
pPiece:EnableMotion(false) -- Spawn frozen by default to reduce lag
local nMass = mathMax(0, (tonumber(nMass) or 0))
if(nMass > 0) then pPiece:SetMass(nMass) end
if(nMass > 0) then pPiece:SetMass(nMass) end -- Mass equal zero use model mass
local tBgSk = GetOpVar("OPSYM_DIRECTORY"):Explode(sBgSkIDs or "")
ePiece:SetSkin(mathClamp(tonumber(tBgSk[2]) or 0, 0, ePiece:SkinCount()-1))
if(not AttachBodyGroups(ePiece, tBgSk[1])) then ePiece:Remove()
Expand Down

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