A full-stack ASP.net app with Angular frontend that allows users to select food and click button to generate AI created recipe via ChatGPT API.
Intrigued by the rapid evolution of Artificial Intelligence, I couldn't resist the urge to dive into the ChatGPT API. To channel my focus, I embarked on an exciting experiment: building a recipe generator.
Committed to continuously expanding my knowledge in emerging technologies, I've embraced a proactive approach: learning by doing. This endeavour led me down the path of ASP.NET to master C#, coupled with an Angular frontend. All new to me!
This is a practise project and not intended for production.
- C#
- TypeScript
- ASP.NET Core
- Angular
- Bootstrap
You will need a ChatGPT API key. This entails creating a user account and providing credit/debit card details.
In route folder create a file named config.json and enter the following:
{ API_KEY" : "<Your API key to be added here>" }
Run locally
Clone the project and go to the project base directory
cd RecipeRevel
Run ASP.NET Core (this will automatically run Angular client side)
dotnet build
dotnet run
The application is runnning on port 44417 so go to http://localhost:44417/ to try it out.