Tol.nvim is a complete rework of my Tol theme for VS Code, with more consistent highlighting across languages. It also has better separation of UI and syntax palettes, so it's easier to distinguish tooling feedback from code. Tol believes that punctuation and delimiters are first-class citizens—we hope you do, too.
As always, credit to Paul Tol for the base colors and inspiration.
Rainbow delimiters and Lualine are used in the screenshot.
- CoC
- Cmp
- FZF Lua
- Flash
- Gitsigns
- Indent Blankline
- Leap
- LSP Diagnostics
- Lualine
- Notify
- Rainbow Delimiters
- Telescope
- Treesitter
- Trouble
- Yanky
Your favorite plugin might not be supported yet. Feel free to submit a PR.
-- lazy.nvim
lazy = false, -- load the colorscheme at startup
priority = 1000, -- load colorscheme first
config = true,
" vim-plug
call plug#begin()
Plug 'dustypomerleau/tol.nvim'
call plug#end()
colorscheme tol
Enable the Lualine theme:
require("lualine").setup({ options = { theme = "tol" }})
Set up Rainbow Delimiters (3 levels are provided):
local rainbow_delimiters = require("rainbow-delimiters")
vim.g.rainbow_delimiters = {
strategy = { [""] = rainbow_delimiters.strategy["global"] },
query = { [""] = "rainbow-delimiters" },
highlight = {
Recommended settings for Indent Blankline version 3:
-- example configuration using lazy.nvim
-- matches the Rainbow Delimiters bracket color only when the scope is active
lazy = false, -- load at startup
config = function()
indent = {
-- use a lighter weight for the indent guide
char = "│", -- box drawings light vertical (U+2502)
highlight = "LineNr",
scope = {
show_start = false, -- don't underline the start of the scope
highlight = { "RainbowRed", "RainbowYellow", "RainbowBlue", },
If you frequently change color schemes, you will need to set up hooks, as described in the Indent Blankline README.