A course website for Computer Programming: Python BCSE101E
- Module_0: Setting up the environment for python
- Installing Miniconda: creating an environment
- Installing Visual Studio Code
- Module_1: Intrduction to Problem Solving
- Module_2: Programming Fundamentals
- Introduction to python
- Interactive and Script mode
- Indentation, Comments
- Variables, Reserved words
- Data types, Operators and their precedence
- Expresssion, Built-in function
- Importing from Packages
- Module_3: Control Structure
- if, if-else, nested if, multiway elif
- Looping: while, while-else, for loop, nested loop
- break, continue, pass
- Module_4: Collections
- List: create, access, slicing, negative indices, list methods, list comprehensions
- Tuples: create, indexing, slicing, operations on tuples
- Dictionary: create, add, and replace values, operations on dictionaries
- Sets: creation and operation
- Module_5: Strings and Regular Expressions
- String: comparision, formatting, slicing, splitting, stripping
- Regular expressions: matching, search and replace, patterns
- Module_6: Functions and Files
- Functions: Parameters and Arguements: postional arguements, keyword arguements, paramaters with default values
- Local and Global scope of variable
- Functions with arbitrary arguements
- Recursive functions - Lambda function
- Files: create, open, read, write, append, close, tell and seek methods
- Module_7: Modules and Packages
- Built-in modules
- User defined modules
- Overview of Numpy and Pandas packages
- Eric Mathhes, Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introdction to Programming, 2nd Edition, No starch Press, 2019