Mainframe is a monospaced pixel font. It prioritizes clarity and readability, and it pays homage to two classic typefaces:
- Fixedsys, the oldest typeface in Microsoft Windows.
- The default character set used in Commodore 64.
It was designed to be used in the on-screen display of first-person view drones running the Betaflight open-source flight controller firmware.
- Easily distinguishable characters (for example: 0 vs O, 8 vs B)
- A battery icon with easily discernible levels (like Digital)
- Less icons, more explicit text labels for understandability (for example: GPS satellites, flight distance, black box)
- A very light crosshair design that is noticeable, but does not block too much view
- Consistent spacing and outline rules for a harmonious look
You can use Mainframe like any other custom font in Betaflight:
- Download mainframe.mcm from this repository and save it on your computer.
- Open Betaflight Configurator and connect to your drone.
- Go to the OSD tab and click the "Font Manager" button at the bottom right.
- Click "Open font file", and browse for the downloaded "mainframe.mcm".
- Click "Upload font" and wait for the upload to finish. Your drone will disconnect and reconnect.
- You're done! Note that you will not see the Mainframe font in Betaflight Configurator. Test the OSD with your drone and goggles instead.