A basic audio/video decoder for nodejs using libav.
The module provides basic asynchronous audio / video decoding in javascript using libav. It outputs raw planar YUV (YCbCr) data for video frames, and raw 16-bit PCM data for audio.
Below is an example using the yuv-buffer and pcm-player libraries to display the data using a canvas element and the Web Audio API.
const LibAVDecoder = require('libav-decoder');
const decoder = new LibAVDecoder();
let probe
const pcm_audio = new PCMPlayer({
encoding: '16bitInt', //outputs 16-bit raw PCM
channels: probe.audio.channels,
sampleRate: probe.audio.sample_rate,
flushingTime: 2000
decoder.open(inputFile, (err, result) => {
probe = result
decoder.decode(onReady, onComplete)
function onReady(){
function onComplete(){
function readVideo(){
decoder.readVideo( frame => {
var yuv_format = YUVBuffer.format({
// Encoded size
width: probe.video.coded_width,
height: probe.video.coded_height,
// 4:2:0, so halve the chroma dimensions.
chromaWidth: probe.video.coded_width/2,
chromaHeight: probe.video.coded_height/2,
// Full frame is visible. ?
cropLeft: 0,
cropTop: 0,
cropWidth: probe.video.width,
cropHeight: probe.video.height,
// Final display size stretches back out to display width x height:
displayWidth: probe.video.width,
displayHeight: probe.video.height
var yuv_frame = YUVBuffer.frame(
YUVBuffer.lumaPlane(yuv_format, frame.avY, frame.pitchY, 0),
YUVBuffer.chromaPlane(yuv_format, frame.avU, frame.pitchU, 0),
YUVBuffer.chromaPlane(yuv_format, frame.avV, frame.pitchV, 0)
//draw to yuv_frame canvas
//sync with audio
setTimeout(readVideo, 10);
function readAudio(){
decoder.readAudio( frame => {
setTimeout(readAudio, 10);