CSV importer for EmonCMS energy logger
- bulk upload CSV data to EmonCMS.
- loop upload consumption data for testing.
Warning: not tested much. Not tested at all with emoncms.org.
emoncsv.php -h
emoncsv.php [options] FILENAME.CSV
-d - dump rows
-f - send random consumption
-s - send bulk data to server
-p - print bulk data that would be sent to server
-c - create empty input for the current node (you need to establish feeds before uploading)
-h - print this help
-v - extra console output, sometimes.
-o - format console output with newlines
-i - dump all specified settings and exit
-gX - load specified instead of settings.php (not implemented)
-xN - upload no more than N rows at a time
-rX - set data source's serial number to X (does nothing at present)
-eX - set data source subdevice to X (does nothing at present)
-tN - N is 0-base offset to column with human-readable time data in UTC
-dN - N is 0-base offset to numeric data value
-nN - upload to EmonCMS node number N
-mN - stop processing after N input rows