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dscbot edited this page Oct 19, 2024 · 4 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Path Key String Specifies the path of the VHDX file that is associated with the iSCSI virtual disk.
Ensure Write String Ensures that Virtual Disk is either Absent or Present. Present, Absent
DiskType Write String Specifies the type of the VHDX. Dynamic, Fixed, Differencing
SizeBytes Write UInt64 Specifies the size, in bytes, of the iSCSI virtual disk.
BlockSizeBytes Write UInt32 Specifies the block size, in bytes, for the VHDX.
LogicalSectorSizeBytes Write UInt32 Specifies the logical sector size, in bytes, for the VHDX. 512, 4096
PhysicalSectorSizeBytes Write UInt32 Specifies the physical sector size, in bytes, for the VHDX. 512, 4096
Description Write String Specifies the description for the iSCSI virtual disk.
ParentPath Write String Specifies the parent virtual disk path if the VHDX is a differencing disk.


This resource is used to create or remove Virtual Disks for use by iSCSI Targets.


Example 1

This example installs the iSCSI Target Server, creates two iSCSI Virtal Disks and then a new iSCSI Target called Cluster with the two Virtual Disks assigned. The iSCSI target will accept connections from, or

Configuration iSCSIServerTarget_ConfigureVirtualDisk_Config
    Import-DscResource -Module iSCSIDsc

    Node localhost
        WindowsFeature iSCSITargetServerInstall
            Ensure = "Present"
            Name   = "FS-iSCSITarget-Server"

        iSCSIVirtualDisk iSCSIClusterVDisk01
            Ensure      = 'Present'
            Path        = 'D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk01.vhdx'
            DiskType    = 'Dynamic'
            SizeBytes   = 20GB
            Description = 'Cluster Virtual Disk 01'
            DependsOn   = "[WindowsFeature]ISCSITargetServerInstall"
        } # End of iSCSIVirtualDisk Resource

        iSCSIVirtualDisk iSCSIClusterVDisk02
            Ensure      = 'Present'
            Path        = 'D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk02.vhdx'
            DiskType    = 'Dynamic'
            SizeBytes   = 10GB
            Description = 'Cluster Virtual Disk 02'
            DependsOn   = "[WindowsFeature]ISCSITargetServerInstall"
        } # End of iSCSIVirtualDisk Resource

        iSCSIServerTarget iSCSIClusterTarget
            Ensure       = 'Present'
            TargetName   = 'Cluster'
            InitiatorIds = '','',''
            Paths        = 'D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk01.vhdx','D:\iSCSIVirtualDisks\ClusterVdisk02.vhdx'
            iSNSServer   = ''
            DependsOn    = "[iSCSIVirtualDisk]iSCSIClusterVDisk01","[iSCSIVirtualDisk]iSCSIClusterVDisk01"
        } # End of iSCSIServerTarget Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration
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