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dscbot edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 6 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
IsSingleInstance Key String Specifies the resource is a single instance, the value must be 'Yes' Yes
RootSDDL Write String Specifies the security descriptor that controls remote access to the listener.
MaxConnections Write UInt32 Specifies the maximum number of active requests that the service can process simultaneously.
MaxConcurrentOperationsPerUser Write UInt32 Specifies the maximum number of concurrent operations that any user can remotely open on the same system.
EnumerationTimeoutMS Write UInt32 Specifies the idle time-out in milliseconds between Pull messages.
MaxPacketRetrievalTimeSeconds Write UInt32 Specifies the maximum length of time, in seconds, the WinRM service takes to retrieve a packet.
AllowUnencrypted Write Boolean Allows the client computer to request unencrypted traffic.
AuthBasic Write Boolean Allows the WinRM service to use Basic authentication.
AuthKerberos Write Boolean Allows the WinRM service to use Kerberos authentication.
AuthNegotiate Write Boolean Allows the WinRM service to use Negotiate authentication.
AuthCertificate Write Boolean Allows the WinRM service to use client certificate-based authentication.
AuthCredSSP Write Boolean Allows the WinRM service to use Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) authentication.
AuthCbtHardeningLevel Write String Allows the client computer to request unencrypted traffic. Strict, Relaxed, None
EnableCompatibilityHttpListener Write Boolean Specifies whether the compatibility HTTP listener is enabled.
EnableCompatibilityHttpsListener Write Boolean Specifies whether the compatibility HTTPS listener is enabled.


This resource is used to configure the WS-Man Service.


Example 1

Enable compatibility HTTP and HTTPS listeners, set maximum connections to 100, allow CredSSP (not recommended) and allow unecrypted WS-Man Sessions (not recommended).

Configuration WSManServiceConfig_Config
    Import-DscResource -Module WSManDsc

    Node localhost
        WSManServiceConfig ServiceConfig
            IsSingleInstance                 = 'Yes'
            MaxConnections                   = 100
            AllowUnencrypted                 = $false
            AuthCredSSP                      = $true
            EnableCompatibilityHttpListener  = $true
            EnableCompatibilityHttpsListener = $true
        } # End of WSManServiceConfig Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration
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