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dscbot edited this page Aug 19, 2024 · 3 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
ZoneName Key System.String Specifies the name of a DNS zone. (Key Parameter)
TimeToLive Write System.String Specifies the TimeToLive value of the SRV record. Value must be in valid TimeSpan string format (i.e.: Days.Hours:Minutes:Seconds.Miliseconds or 30.23:59:59.999).
Ensure Write Ensure Whether the host record should be present or removed.
DomainName Key System.String Specifies the fully qualified DNS domain name for which the NameServer is authoritative. It must be a subdomain the zone or the zone itself. To specify all subdomains, use the '*' character (i.e.: * (Key Parameter)
NameServer Key System.String Specifies the name server of a domain. This should be a fully qualified domain name, not an IP address (Key Parameter)


The DnsRecordNs DSC resource manages NS DNS records against a specific zone on a Domain Name System (DNS) server.


Example 1

This configuration will ensure a DNS NS record exists when only the mandatory properties are specified.

Configuration DnsRecordNs_Mandatory_config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'DnsServerDsc'

    Node localhost
        DnsRecordNs 'TestRecord'
            ZoneName   = ''
            DomainName = ''
            NameServer = ''
            Ensure     = 'Present'

Example 2

This configuration will ensure a DNS NS record exists when all properties are specified.

Configuration DnsRecordNs_Full_config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'DnsServerDsc'

    Node localhost
        DnsRecordNs 'TestRecord'
            ZoneName   = ''
            DomainName = ''
            NameServer = ''
            TimeToLive = '01:00:00'
            DnsServer  = 'localhost'
            Ensure     = 'Present'

Example 3

This configuration will ensure a DNS NS record does not exist when mandatory properties are specified.

Note that not all mandatory properties are necessarily key properties. Non-key property values will be ignored when determining whether the record is to be removed.

Configuration DnsRecordNs_Remove_config
    Import-DscResource -ModuleName 'DnsServerDsc'

    Node localhost
        DnsRecordNs 'TestRecord'
            ZoneName   = ''
            DomainName = ''
            NameServer = ''
            Ensure     = 'Absent'
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