Guidelines for creating a reproducible data-science pipeline.
DS 5110 assignments must be reproducible from the command-line -- Jupyter notebooks are not allowed.
This repo also has recommmendations for setting up a platform-independent development environment.
- (this document): guidelines for github-classroom assignment submission in DS 5110
- opinionated recommendations (with references) for a development environment
- cheat sheet & intro to package management (cross-platform, polyglot, open-source)
- intro and extensive references for learning and using git on the command line
- github-classroom workflow for instructors & TAs
- Create reproducible pipelines
- Reproducibility is paramount -- if someone else can't reproduce your results, there's no point.
- Jupyter notebooks have reproducibility problems, so they're not acceptable for assignment submission.
- ...but they're great for prototyping, in-class exercises and publishing books, like this awesome 5110 text!
- Related comments from one of our part-time MSDS students who's also a corporate executive
and spends most of her time working in the real world...
I asked a Senior Engineer about Jupyter vs. command line, and why we use Notebooks and he said, "We run everything in the terminal. The only people on the team who use Notebooks are the data scientists and they aren't deploying anything to production. Frankly it's a pain in the rear to deal with their stuff when they send it over for us to scale and build into something that can be pushed to production. I wish they would stop using Notebooks but they are addicted."
I had downloaded Github Desktop and was using that without realizing that is what I was doing, which also contributed to my confusion. I removed it.
- Document the entire pipeline
- The entire pipeline must be reproducible from the command line, from data source(s) to final result.
- Document your data source(s) and show how to access the original source(s).
- If necessary, provide sample/simulated data to enable testing/verification by others.
- Acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge
- Cite all data sources and provide links to the original/authoritative sources.
- If you get code and/or ideas from someone else, make sure you have their permission and that you acknowledge their contribution.
- Acknowledging your predecessors has a side benefit: it's a good way to avoid plagiarism. (LLMs often fail to acknowledge.)
- Write clean code in a well-organized repo
- Strive for self-documenting code (e.g., follow PEP 8). But that's not all...
- Choose an appropriate layout for your project repository (see below for 5110 assignments).
- Apply the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself). For example, if multiple files use the same code, then put reused code in a module and import it.
- Use Make
- Make makes it particularly easy to provide clear instructions for every step in a pipeline, including data access.
- If you're not sure why, then read: Why Use Make? by the legendary Mike Bostock
- Use the 6-month rule: document things so that, after 6 months away, you can instantly pick up where you left off. Side benefit: someone else with your skills should be able to reproduce your results.
- Use .gitignore for big and/or private data
- Don't add large data files or private data (e.g., passwords) to your git history!
- Instead, provide instructions for downloading file(s) into
and make sure to.gitignore
that directory or the files in it (see Or you may want to look into git-lfs. - Size is important because Github has a 50 MB limit for files. Be warned: if you accidentally commit a large and/or private file, you'll have to get it out (not fun).
- For assignments...
- Put source code in
and figures in./figs
. - Use one file for each question, not one file for all questions.
- Present results in the and provide instructions for reproducing them from the command-line.
- Format your results nicely with markdown
- Put source code in
- For projects...
- Use miniconda and share your conda environment with a YML file (see
- Assume the audience for your has your technical skill level.
- Use
for a public facing github-pages site, and make sure it's understandable to a general audience. (That's for portfolio projects, but not homework or in-class exercises.) - Consider adding a license to your repo.
- For project websites and automated workflows, you have choices...
- Plan on using github pages to showcase your project to a general audience, like the C-suite for the company where you want a job.
- There are many tools for automating workflows. They're never free for production/secure sites. To automate the workflow for your publicly available github-pages site, I recommend github actions. It's free for small projects.
- If you need to scale things up and/or deploy securely, I recommend: Observable Cloud.
- If you find any mistakes in this repo, please let me know.
Suppose the assignment asks you to reproduce the first chart in Figure 1.1 of ISL. A solution follows...
Download the CSV file that's used in ISL with the following command
make data/Wage.csv
- Note: this is automatic when you type
make q1
because of the Makefile configuration. - This step is necessary when cloning this repo because
is in the .gitignore file. - If you don't have the requisite software, like
, then check out - If you're not familiar with git, then check out
The graphic below reproduces Figure 1.1 of ISL. Recreate it with the following command:
make q1
- Note that the makefile has all the command-line commands for the entire pipeline.
- Note that the demo code imports a local module (critical for the DRY princple).
- This markdown file embeds
using vanilla HTML, which allows you to set the width:
<img src="figs/q1.png" width=350>
- If you're okay with the default width, you can use standard markdown syntax:
![alternative to HTML](figs/q1.png)