This is a collection of my dotfiles. I use these to configure my system to my liking. I use these on my Arch Linux system, but they should work on any system that uses bash and zsh.
OBS: 👆 that was written with Copilot. I do not use Arch Linux... yet.
I started using nvim fall of 2023 and it has been enjoyable. It has also lead me to enjoy dotfiles more. With this in mind, I am very new to this still :)
The dotfiles are managed with stow.
Add a script to install all the packages I use
- List all the packages I use...
- zsh-autosuggestions
- lazygit
- nvim
nvim config
uninstall oh-my-zsh
install oh-my-zsh ... thanks copilot 🤦
tmux config
Handle zsh plugins. Don't want to version control them but want to make sure they are installed.
- Maybe I should have a script that either sources them or installs them?
- zsh-autosuggestions
... to be continued