It is a KNN regressor that gives predictions based on customized loss function. KNN regressor in sklearn
simply gives mean value of nearest neighbors as prediction, while NonparametricKNN will search the neighbors to find out if it could give a prediction that is better than the mean value. NonparametricKNN could significantly outperform ordinary KNN, especially when the loss function is strange (for example, SMAPE). Though the searching process is time consuming, NonparametricKNN is still fairly fast.
NonparametricKNN supports:
Built-in loss, Mean Squared Error loss (MSE loss or L2 loss), Mean Aboslute Error loss (MAE or L1 loss) and Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error loss (SMAPE loss).
Customized loss, user could use self-defined loss function as well.
NonparametricKNN is implemented in Python 3.6
, using numpy
to do vector operations. NonparametricKNN could be seen as a modified version of sklearn.neighbors.KNeighborsRegressor
. Those packages can be easily installed using pip
Import the module
from npknn import NonparametricKNN
Initialize model
model = NonparametricKNN(n_neighbors=3,loss='L2')
For the loss function, following choices are provided:
: Mean Squared Error loss (MSE)'L1'
: Mean Aboslute Error loss (MAE)'SMAPE'
: Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error loss (SMAPE)
All inputs should be numpy arrays. train
should be 2D array and target
should be 1D array.
Return predictions as numpy array.
Customized loss
def loss(pred,true):
result = np.power(pred-true,4)
return result.mean()
model = NonparametricKNN(n_neighbors=3,loss=loss)
Loss function should take two numpy arrays as inputs, and return a scalar. Directly pass the loss function as argument.