This is what you need to know and do to run this.
To be able to run the server api, you need to do the following:
Install MongoDB Current release is 3.0.5
RTFM Configure a Windows Service for MongoDB: In Admin command prompt: Create db and log folders ("mkdir C:\dev\mongodb\db" and "mkdir C:\dev\mongodb\log") In the MongoDB installation folder, create a mongod.cfg file with the following actual content: systemLog: destination: file path: c:\dev\mongodb\log\mongod.log storage: dbPath: c:\dev\mongodb\db In Admin commant prompt: sc.exe create MongoDB binPath= "C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --service --config="C:\mongodb\mongod.cfg"" DisplayName= "MongoDB" start= "auto" All quotes and double quotes are important as-is. This will install the mongodb service and start it automatically at startup.
To run the API, run the Visual Studio solution. It contains a REST API that you can use to test and develop. To use it, open a REST client like Postman or
ParserTestController /parsertest/get: Returns the list of recipes in the database in SearchResult format (id, name, url) ex. GET http://localhost:50817/api/parsertest
/parsertest/get/{id}: Returns the recipe with the id in the database, if it exists ex. GET http://localhost:50817/api/parsertest/e879fde3-9bf3-47c9-bbb8-03b163a45ca8
/parsertest/put?url={url}: Parses the url for a known recipe, inserts it in the database, and returns it. ex. PUT http://localhost:50817/api/parsertest/parse?url=