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expand valid location formats
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dragazo committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 85e625b commit fe84853
Showing 1 changed file with 160 additions and 35 deletions.
195 changes: 160 additions & 35 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1132,6 +1132,43 @@ pub struct ScriptInfo<'a> {
pub entities: Vec<(&'a ast::Entity, EntityScriptInfo<'a>)>,

struct LocationTokenizer<'a> {
src: &'a str,
state: bool,
impl<'a> LocationTokenizer<'a> {
fn new(src: &'a str) -> Self {
Self { src, state: false }
impl<'a> Iterator for LocationTokenizer<'a> {
type Item = &'a str;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.src.is_empty() {
return None;

let p = self.src.char_indices().find(|x| self.state ^ (x.1 == '-' || ('0'..='9').contains(&x.1))).map(|x| x.0).unwrap_or(self.src.len());
let res;
(res, self.src) = self.src.split_at(p);
self.state ^= true;
fn test_locations_tokenizer() {
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &[] as &[&str]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("x").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["x"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("3").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["", "3"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("collab_").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["collab_"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("collab_-1").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["collab_", "-1"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("collab_23_43").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["collab_", "23", "_", "43"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("cab_=_2334fhd__43").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["cab_=_", "2334", "fhd__", "43"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("cab_=_2334fhd__43__").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["cab_=_", "2334", "fhd__", "43", "__"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("-4cab_=_2334fhd__43__").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["", "-4", "cab_=_", "2334", "fhd__", "43", "__"]);
assert_eq!(LocationTokenizer::new("714cab_=_2334fhd__43__").collect::<Vec<_>>(), &["", "714", "cab_=_", "2334", "fhd__", "43", "__"]);

/// Location lookup table from bytecode address to original AST location.
/// When a project is compiled via [`ByteCode::compile`], a stream of instructions is produced.
Expand All @@ -1140,66 +1177,101 @@ pub struct ScriptInfo<'a> {
/// This type supports serde serialization if the `serde` feature flag is enabled.
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Locations {
#[allow(dead_code)] tag: MustBeU128<FINGERPRINT>,

prefix: String,
separator: String,
suffix: String,

base_token: isize,
token_data: Vec<u8>,
value_data: Vec<u8>,
locs: Vec<(usize, usize)>,
impl Locations {
fn condense(orig_locs: BTreeMap<usize, &str>) -> Result<Self, CompileError> {
fn condense<'a>(orig_locs: &BTreeMap<usize, &'a str>) -> Result<Self, CompileError<'a>> {
if orig_locs.is_empty() {
return Ok(Self {
tag: Default::default(),

prefix: String::new(),
separator: String::new(),
suffix: String::new(),

base_token: 0,
token_data: Default::default(),
value_data: Default::default(),
locs: Default::default(),

let prefix = {
let loc = *orig_locs.values().next().unwrap();
match loc.find('_') {
Some(x) => loc[..x].to_owned(),
None => return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc }),
let (prefix, suffix) = {
let mut tokens = LocationTokenizer::new(*orig_locs.values().next().unwrap()).enumerate();
let prefix =|x| x.1.to_owned()).unwrap_or_default();
let suffix = tokens.last().filter(|x| x.0 & 1 == 0).map(|x| x.1.to_owned()).unwrap_or_default();
(prefix, suffix)
let mut separator = None;

let mut token_map = Vec::with_capacity(orig_locs.len());
let mut value_map = Vec::with_capacity(orig_locs.len());
for (&pos, &loc) in orig_locs.iter() {
if !loc.starts_with(&prefix) { return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc }) }

let mut tokens = vec![];
for token in loc[prefix.len() + 1..].split('_') {
let v: isize = match token.parse() {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc }),
if v.to_string() != token {
return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc });
let mut tokens = LocationTokenizer::new(loc).peekable();
let mut values = vec![];
for i in 0.. {
match {
Some(token) => {
if i & 1 != 0 {
let v: isize = match token.parse() {
Ok(x) => x,
Err(_) => return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc }),
if v.to_string() != token {
return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc });
else if i == 0 {
if token != prefix {
return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc });
else if tokens.peek().is_none() {
if token != suffix {
return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc });
} else {
match &separator {
Some(separator) => if token != separator {
return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc });
None => separator = Some(token.to_owned()),
None => {
if i & 1 == 0 && !suffix.is_empty() {
return Err(CompileError::InvalidLocation { loc });
token_map.push((pos, tokens));
value_map.push((pos, values));

let base_token = token_map.iter().flat_map(|x| &x.1).copied().min().unwrap_or(0);
let base_token = value_map.iter().flat_map(|x| &x.1).copied().min().unwrap_or(0);

let mut token_data = Vec::with_capacity(token_map.len());
let mut locs = Vec::with_capacity(token_map.len());
for (pos, toks) in token_map {
locs.push((pos, token_data.len()));
let mut value_data = Vec::with_capacity(value_map.len());
let mut locs = Vec::with_capacity(value_map.len());
for (pos, toks) in value_map {
locs.push((pos, value_data.len()));
for tok in toks {
encode_u64((tok - base_token + 1) as u64, &mut token_data, None);
encode_u64((tok - base_token + 1) as u64, &mut value_data, None);
encode_u64(0, &mut token_data, None); // null terminator
encode_u64(0, &mut value_data, None); // null terminator

let res = Self { tag: Default::default(), prefix, base_token, token_data, locs };
let res = Self { tag: Default::default(), separator: separator.unwrap_or_default(), prefix, suffix, base_token, value_data, locs };

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1227,15 +1299,68 @@ impl Locations {

let mut res = self.prefix.clone();
let mut first = true;
loop {
let (v, aft) = decode_u64(&self.token_data, start);
if v == 0 { return Some(res) }
let (v, aft) = decode_u64(&self.value_data, start);
if v == 0 {

start = aft;
if !first {
first = false;
res.push_str(&(v as isize - 1 + self.base_token).to_string());
fn test_locations_formats() {
fn test_vals<'a>(orig_locs: &BTreeMap<usize, &'a str>) -> Result<(), CompileError<'a>> {
let condensed = Locations::condense(orig_locs)?;

let mut back = BTreeMap::new();
for &k in orig_locs.keys() {
back.insert(k, condensed.lookup(k - 1).unwrap());

if orig_locs.len() != back.len() || orig_locs.iter().zip(back.iter()).any(|(a, b)| a.0 != b.0 || a.1 != b.1) {
panic!("expected {orig_locs:?}\ngot {back:?}");

macro_rules! map {
($($k:expr => $v:expr),*$(,)?) => {{
let mut res = BTreeMap::new();
$(res.insert($k, $v);)*

test_vals(&map! { }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "collab_3_4" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "collab_3_4", 2 => "collab_-2_-34" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "collab_3_4", 2 => "collab_-02_-34" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "collab_3_4", 2 => "coLlab_-2_-34" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "_31_-24", 2 => "_-2_-342", 6 => "_23" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31_-24", 2 => "-2_-342", 6 => "23" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31_-24", 2 => "-2_-342", 6 => "g23" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31_-24", 2 => "g-2_-342", 6 => "23" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "g31_-24", 2 => "g-2_-342", 6 => "g23" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31_-24", 2 => "-2_-342<", 6 => "23" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31_-24", 2 => "-2_-342", 6 => "23&" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31_-24&", 2 => "-2_-342&", 6 => "23&" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31::-24&", 2 => "-2::-342&", 6 => "23&" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31::-24&", 2 => "-2::-342&", 6 => "23&" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "31::-24&", 2 => "-2::-342&", 6 => "23&&" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "<>31::-24&", 2 => "<>-2::-342:.:5::-22&", 6 => "<>23&" }).unwrap_err();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "<>31::-24&", 2 => "<>-2::-342::5::-22&", 6 => "<>23&" }).unwrap();
test_vals(&map! { 43 => "<>31::-24&", 2 => "<>-2::-342::5::-22&", 6 => "<>23" }).unwrap_err();

struct ByteCodeBuilder<'a: 'b, 'b> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2205,7 +2330,7 @@ impl<'a: 'b, 'b> ByteCodeBuilder<'a, 'b> {
for func in entity.1.funcs.iter_mut() { func.1 = final_ins_pos[func.1]; }
for script in entity.1.scripts.iter_mut() { script.1 = final_ins_pos[script.1]; }
let locations = Locations::condense(self.ins_locations.iter().map(|(p, v)| (final_ins_pos[*p], *v)).collect())?;
let locations = Locations::condense(&self.ins_locations.iter().map(|(p, v)| (final_ins_pos[*p], *v)).collect())?;

Ok((ByteCode { tag: Default::default(), code: code.into_boxed_slice(), data: data.into_boxed_slice() }, ScriptInfo { funcs, entities }, locations))
Expand Down

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