Audiobook player for linux and windows. Android support planed
List of current todos\
- library
- list all ava-libel books
- show all details about book,
- sort library
- [ ]search lin library
- list all ava-libel books
- Player
- play pause
- skip to next chapter
- skip 30 sec forward or back
- duration
- current chapter
- book art
- library
List all books
- Sort them depending on latest play, author ...
- Play file
- Skip to next chapter or previous chapter
- skip 30 sec forward or back
- sleep timer (10min, 15min, 30min. 1h)
- [ ]
File reader (mp3, waw, mp4) support
- Read file data, Name, length, amount of charts, Authur, Description... (full list in book class)
Sync last played position between devices and between uses
Goodreads api for getting data
- Getting all data about a book
Audible support
- Collect bought books from audible and download them to your own library.
- aax to mp3 converter width key from audible (no cracking support)
Plex support
- Use plex library to get the files
cloud storage support(dropbox, box, google drive)
- Login width cloud storage to collect files