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dpvanbalen committed Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 65896bd commit 6339274
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Showing 4 changed files with 57 additions and 60 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Array
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Shape (shapeType, ShapeR(..), rank)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Representation.Type
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Exp
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Partitioned as P
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Partitioned as P hiding (combine)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Var
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Eval
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
Expand All @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Desugar (ArrayDescriptor(..))
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.CodeGen.Arithmetic ( when, ifThenElse, just, add, lt, mul, eq, fromJust, isJust )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Analysis.Match (matchShapeR)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Trafo.Exp.Substitution (compose)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Operation (groundToExpVar, Fun)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.AST.Operation (groundToExpVar, Fun, mapArgs)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.Native.CodeGen.Permute (atomically)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT(..), lift, evalStateT, execStateT)
import qualified Data.Map as M
Expand All @@ -80,37 +80,40 @@ import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.CodeGen.Loop (iter, while)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.LLVM.Native.CodeGen.Loop
import qualified Debug.Trace
import Formatting.ShortFormatters (o)
import Data.Array.Accelerate (SLVOperation)
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Backend (SLVOperation(..))

codegen :: UID
-> Env AccessGroundR env
-> Cluster NativeOp args
-> Clustered NativeOp args
-> Args env args
-> LLVM Native (Module (KernelType env))
codegen uid env c@(Cluster _ (Cluster' cIO cAST)) args =
codegen uid env (Clustered c b) args =
codeGenFunction uid "fused_cluster_name" (LLVM.Lam argTp "arg") $ do
workstealLoop workstealIndex workstealActiveThreads (op scalarTypeInt32 $ constant (TupRsingle scalarTypeInt32) 1) $ \_ -> do
(acc, loopsize') <- execStateT (evalCluster (toOnlyAcc c) args gamma ()) (mempty, LS ShapeRz OP_Unit)
let b' = mapArgs BCAJA b
(acc, loopsize') <- execStateT (evalCluster (toOnlyAcc c) b' args gamma ()) (mempty, LS ShapeRz OP_Unit)
body acc loopsize'
retval_ $ boolean True
(argTp, extractEnv, workstealIndex, workstealActiveThreads, gamma) = bindHeaderEnv env
body :: Accumulated -> Loopsizes -> CodeGen Native ()
body initialAcc partialLoopSize =
case combine (loopsizeOutVertical c gamma args) partialLoopSize of
case partialLoopSize of -- used to combine with loopSize here, but I think we can do everything in the static analysis?
LS shr' sh' ->
let go :: ShapeR sh -> Operands sh -> (Int, Operands Int, [Operands Int]) -> StateT Accumulated (CodeGen Native) ()
go ShapeRz OP_Unit _ = pure ()
go (ShapeRsnoc shr) (OP_Pair sh sz) ix = iter' sz ix $ \i@(d,lin,is) -> do
recurLin <- lift $ mul numType lin (firstOrZero shr sh)
go shr sh (d+1, recurLin, is)
let ba = makeBackendArg @NativeOp args gamma c
newInputs <- evalI @NativeOp i cIO args ba gamma
outputs <- evalAST @NativeOp i cAST gamma newInputs
evalO @NativeOp i cIO args gamma outputs
let ba = makeBackendArg @NativeOp args gamma c b
newInputs <- readInputs @_ @_ @NativeOp i args ba gamma
outputs <- evalOps @NativeOp i c newInputs args gamma
writeOutputs @_ @_ @NativeOp i args outputs gamma
in case (shr', flipShape shr' sh') of
-- (ShapeRz,_) -> error "tiny cluster"
-- (ShapeRsnoc shr', OP_Pair sh' sz) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,19 +177,20 @@ flipShape shr = multidim shr . reverse . multidim' shr
-- TODO: we need to only consider each _in-order_ vertical argument
-- TODO: we ignore backpermute currently. Could use this function to check the outputs and vertical, and the staticclusteranalysis evalI for the inputs.
-- e.g. backpermute . fold: shape of backpermute output plus the extra dimension of fold.
loopsizeOutVertical :: forall args env. Cluster NativeOp args -> Gamma env -> Args env args -> Loopsizes
loopsizeOutVertical (Cluster _ (Cluster' io _)) gamma args = go io args
go :: ClusterIO a i o -> Args env a -> Loopsizes
go Empty ArgsNil = LS ShapeRz OP_Unit
go (Input io') (ArgArray _ (ArrayR shr _) sh _ :>: args') = go io' args' -- $ \x -> combine x (shr, aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars sh) gamma) k
go (Output _ _ _ io') (ArgArray _ (ArrayR shr _) sh _ :>: args') = combine (go io' args') $ LS shr (aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars sh) gamma)
go (Trivial io') (ArgArray _ (ArrayR shr _) sh _ :>: args') = combine (go io' args') $ LS shr (aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars sh) gamma)
go (Vertical _ (ArrayR shr _) io') (ArgVar sh :>: args') = combine (go io' args') $ LS shr (aprjParameters sh gamma)
go (MutPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
go (ExpPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
go (VarPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
go (FunPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
-- loopsizeOutVertical :: forall args env. Cluster NativeOp args -> Gamma env -> Args env args -> Loopsizes
-- loopsizeOutVertical = undefined
-- loopsizeOutVertical (Cluster _ (Cluster' io _)) gamma args = go io args
-- where
-- go :: ClusterIO a i o -> Args env a -> Loopsizes
-- go Empty ArgsNil = LS ShapeRz OP_Unit
-- go (Input io') (ArgArray _ (ArrayR shr _) sh _ :>: args') = go io' args' -- $ \x -> combine x (shr, aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars sh) gamma) k
-- go (Output _ _ _ io') (ArgArray _ (ArrayR shr _) sh _ :>: args') = combine (go io' args') $ LS shr (aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars sh) gamma)
-- go (Trivial io') (ArgArray _ (ArrayR shr _) sh _ :>: args') = combine (go io' args') $ LS shr (aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars sh) gamma)
-- go (Vertical _ (ArrayR shr _) io') (ArgVar sh :>: args') = combine (go io' args') $ LS shr (aprjParameters sh gamma)
-- go (MutPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
-- go (ExpPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
-- go (VarPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
-- go (FunPut io') (_ :>: args') = go io' args'
-- get the largest ShapeR, and the corresponding shape
combine :: Loopsizes -> Loopsizes -> Loopsizes
combine x@(LS a _) y@(LS b _) = if rank a > rank b then x else y
Expand All @@ -203,6 +207,8 @@ instance EvalOp NativeOp where
type Embed' NativeOp = Compose Maybe Operands
type EnvF NativeOp = GroundOperand

unit = Compose $ Just OP_Unit

-- don't need to be in the monad!
indexsh vars gamma = pure . CJ $ aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars vars) gamma
indexsh' vars gamma = pure . CJ $ aprjParameters vars gamma
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,18 +327,10 @@ multidim' (ShapeRsnoc shr) (OP_Pair sh i) = i : multidim' shr sh
instance TupRmonoid Operands where
pair' = OP_Pair
unpair' (OP_Pair x y) = (x, y)
injL x p = OP_Pair x (proofToOp p)
injR x p = OP_Pair (proofToOp p) x

instance (TupRmonoid f) => TupRmonoid (Compose Maybe f) where
pair' (Compose l) (Compose r) = Compose $ pair' <$> l <*> r
unpair' (Compose p) = maybe (CN, CN) (bimap CJ CJ . unpair') p
injL (Compose x) p = Compose $ (`injL` p) <$> x
injR (Compose x) p = Compose $ (`injR` p) <$> x

proofToOp :: TupUnitsProof a -> Operands a
proofToOp OneUnit = OP_Unit
proofToOp (MoreUnits x y) = OP_Pair (proofToOp x) (proofToOp y)

unsafeToExpVars :: GroundVars env sh -> ExpVars env sh
unsafeToExpVars TupRunit = TupRunit
Expand All @@ -341,6 +339,8 @@ unsafeToExpVars (TupRsingle (Var g idx)) = case g of
GroundRbuffer _ -> error "unsafeToExpVars on a buffer"
GroundRscalar t -> TupRsingle (Var t idx)

instance SLVOperation NativeOp where
slvOperation = const Nothing

maybeTy :: TypeR a -> TypeR (PrimMaybe a)
maybeTy ty = TupRpair (TupRsingle scalarTypeWord8) (TupRpair TupRunit ty)
Expand All @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ data Loopsizes where
LS :: ShapeR sh -> Operands sh -> Loopsizes

merge :: Loopsizes -> GroundVars env sh -> Gamma env -> Loopsizes
merge ls v gamma = combine ls $ LS (varsToShapeR v) (aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars v) gamma)
merge ls v gamma = combine ls $ LS (gvarsToShapeR v) (aprjParameters (unsafeToExpVars v) gamma)

-- mkls :: Int -> ShapeR sh -> Operands sh -> Bool -> Loopsizes
-- mkls d shr sh b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,6 +393,8 @@ instance EvalOp (JustAccumulator NativeOp) where
type Embed' (JustAccumulator NativeOp) = TypeR
type EnvF (JustAccumulator NativeOp) = GroundOperand

unit = TupRunit

indexsh vars _ = pure $ mapTupR varType $ unsafeToExpVars vars
indexsh' vars _ = pure $ mapTupR varType vars

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -466,14 +468,8 @@ deriving instance (Eq (BackendClusterArg2 op x y)) => Eq (BackendClusterArg2 (Ju

toOnlyAcc :: Cluster op args -> Cluster (JustAccumulator op) args
toOnlyAcc (Cluster bc (Cluster' io ast)) = Cluster (go2 bc) (Cluster' io $ go ast)
go :: ClusterAST op env args' -> ClusterAST (JustAccumulator op) env args'
go P.None = P.None
go (Bind lhs op l ast') = Bind lhs (JA op) l (go ast')
go2 :: BackendCluster op args -> BackendCluster (JustAccumulator op) args
go2 ArgsNil = ArgsNil
go2 (bca :>: args) = BCAJA bca :>: go2 args
toOnlyAcc (Fused f l r) = Fused f (toOnlyAcc l) (toOnlyAcc r)
toOnlyAcc (Op (SLVOp (SOp (SOAOp op soa) sort) sa)) = Op (SLVOp (SOp (SOAOp (JA op) soa) sort) sa)

pattern CJ :: f a -> Compose Maybe f a
pattern CJ x = Compose (Just x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,9 +519,9 @@ zeroes ty@(TupRsingle t) = case t of
TypeFloat -> constant ty 0
TypeDouble -> constant ty 0

varsToShapeR :: Vars GroundR x sh -> ShapeR sh
varsToShapeR TupRunit = ShapeRz
varsToShapeR (TupRpair sh (TupRsingle x)) = case x of
Var (GroundRscalar (SingleScalarType (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType TypeInt)))) _ -> ShapeRsnoc $ varsToShapeR sh
gvarsToShapeR :: Vars GroundR x sh -> ShapeR sh
gvarsToShapeR TupRunit = ShapeRz
gvarsToShapeR (TupRpair sh (TupRsingle x)) = case x of
Var (GroundRscalar (SingleScalarType (NumSingleType (IntegralNumType TypeInt)))) _ -> ShapeRsnoc $ gvarsToShapeR sh
_ -> error "not a shape"
varsToShapeR _ = error "not a shape"
gvarsToShapeR _ = error "not a shape"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,11 +169,11 @@ instance SimplifyOperation NativeOp where
detectCopy matchVars' NBackpermute = detectBackpermuteCopies matchVars'
detectCopy _ _ = const []

instance SLVOperation NativeOp where
slvOperation NGenerate = defaultSlvGenerate NGenerate
slvOperation NMap = defaultSlvMap NMap
slvOperation NBackpermute = defaultSlvBackpermute NBackpermute
slvOperation _ = Nothing
-- instance SLVOperation NativeOp where
-- slvOperation NGenerate = defaultSlvGenerate NGenerate
-- slvOperation NMap = defaultSlvMap NMap
-- slvOperation NBackpermute = defaultSlvBackpermute NBackpermute
-- slvOperation _ = Nothing

instance EncodeOperation NativeOp where
encodeOperation NMap = intHost $(hashQ ("Map" :: String))
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions accelerate-llvm-native/test/nofib/Main.hs
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Expand Up @@ -31,11 +31,12 @@ import Data.Array.Accelerate.Unsafe

main :: IO ()
main = do
Prelude.print $ runN @Interpreter complex $ fromList (Z:.100) $ (`Prelude.mod` 50) [1 :: Int ..]
-- benchmarking:
defaultMain $ (benchOption . Prelude.Left) [minBound :: Objective .. maxBound]
Prelude.++ (benchOption . Prelude.Right) [NoFusion, GreedyFusion]
-- defaultMain $
-- (benchOption . Prelude.Left) [minBound :: Objective .. maxBound]
-- Prelude.++
-- (benchOption . Prelude.Right) [NoFusion, GreedyFusion]

-- Prelude.print $ runNWithObj @Native ArrayReadsWrites $ quicksort $ use $ fromList (Z :. 5) [100::Int, 200, 3, 5, 4]
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions stack.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# For advanced use and comprehensive documentation of the format, please see:

resolver: lts-21.7
resolver: lts-21.12

- accelerate-llvm
Expand All @@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ extra-deps:
- OptDir-0.0.4
- bytestring-encoding-
- ../accelerate

- github: msakai/haskell-MIP
commit: 4295aa21a24a30926b55770c55ac00f749fb8a39
- MIP-
# - github: msakai/haskell-MIP
# commit: 4295aa21a24a30926b55770c55ac00f749fb8a39
# subdirs:
# - MIP

- github: llvm-hs/llvm-hs
commit: e4b3cfa47e72f094ab109884f18acfc666b0fb7d # llvm-15
Expand Down

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