Not used or supported by DPN
EarthDiver is a prototype for a REST based protocol for a node in the DPN network of replicating nodes. Currently it shows data structures and some proposed REST calls that could be used to negotiate interactions in the DPN network.
For demonstration purposes this is being checked out and run under django runserver and not currently intended for a production release.
- Python 3.4 is a requirement, this comes installed by default on many modern linux distributions, usually under python3 rather than the system default.
- It's always recommended to use a virtualenv for your python dependencies or an image like vagrant. Python 3 recommends using venv for the virtual env. The venv command is typically named pyvenv-3.4 on most of these systems as well.
There is a known bug with venv in Ubuntu 14.04 (and perhaps other versions as well.) as it is missing the 'ensurepip' module required for venv to work correctly.
To fix you'll need to download the current python 3.4 source and untar it to a local directory. Then copy /Lib/ensurepip your python 3 Lib directory, which is usually /usr/lib/python3.4
- Clone the project from GitHub as needed to a local directory.
- Setup whatever DB you want to use. I use sqlite against a *.db file in the project data directory for development or when using runserver. *.db files are in the .gitignore file.
- With the virtual environment active
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Copy EarthDiver/dpnode/ to EarthDover/dpnode/ and configure as needed.
- From EarthDiver/dpnode/ run
python migrate
twice the first time (It needs to run the base migrations than the local ones).
In development it will frequently require you to have some development libraries installed as well.
>sudo apt-get install libpython3-dev, libyaml-dev
- Group permissions are supplied the EarthDiver/data/GroupPermissions.json fixture that support the access model of the REST calls.
- Load it by executing 'python loaddata ../data/GroupPermissions.json'
- Create your initial superuser by 'python createsuperuser'
- Normal users and created and assigned in the django admin interface.
- Create a user and save them.
- Edit the user and click on the 'Profile' section and assign the user to an appropriate node. (This controls what transfers they can see and more)
- Edit the user and assign them to the appropriate user group:
- 'api_users' are users from other nodes, it allows them to query the API and view returns as needed.
- 'api_admins' are for a localnode user, it includes the above permissions plus the ability to add transfers or registry entries.
- Activate your virtual environment.
- To populate with stub test data execute the following commands:
python make_nodes
Makes some stub node data, etc.python make_testdata
Makes some test registry entries and transfers.
- Add a new user to use an auth token for and assign them to a node. Permissions are based on user permissions and they can only see their own node content for transfers.
- Activate your virtual environment. (noticing a theme here?)
- from EarthDiver/dpnode run
python runserver
- Use something like PostMan in Firefox or a similar Chrome plugin to easily mimic REST client calls. You'll need to set the Authorized token header for it to work.