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Repository for holding script-functions that are published to the PowerShell Gallery.


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Repository to hold script-functions that are published to the PowerShell Gallery. These are functions that I haven't really made into a module yet or don't really fit into any of my other custom modules. So they are contained in single .ps1 files that can be installed using Install-Script -Repository PSGallery -Name <Function-Name>, and used like native PowerShell cmdlets.


Converts the Lovibond color value of malt to its respective SRM value.

PS C:\> Convert-LovibondToSrm -Lovibond 3.5


Converts each element of a file object path to the 8.3 path and return the short path string.

PS C:\Users\dotps1\Documents\GitHub\PSFunctions\Functions> ConvertTo-ShortPath

PS C:\> Get-Item $env:WinDir\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe | .\ConvertTo-ShortPath.ps1


Sets the registry that disables the Windows Store to "0", which will temporarily allow access to the Windows Store.

PS C:\> Enable-WindowsStore

PS C:\> Enable-WindowsStore -Credential (Get-Credential)

PS C:\> Get-Credential | Enable-WindowsStore


Using information from Virtual Machine Manager and CIM, this cmdlet adds space to the virtual machines vhdx file and expands the partion.

PS C:\> Expand-SCVirtualMachineOSDisk -Name MyVirtualMachine

Name: MyVirtualMachine
OSDriveLetter: C
OSPartitionPreviousSizeGB: 40
OSPartitionNewSizeGB: 50

PS C:\> "MyVirtualMachine" | Expand-SCVirtualMachineOSDisk -AmmountToAddGB 25

Name: MyVirtualMachine
OSDriveLetter: C:
OSPartitionPreviousSizeGB: 25
OSPartitionNewSizeGB: 50


Finds the nth index of a char in a string, returns -1 if the char does not exist, or if nth is out of range.

PS C:\> Find-NthIndexOf -Target "CN=me,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=org" -Value "=" -Nth 2

PS C:\> ($dn = "CN=dotps1,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=org").SubString((Find-NthIndexOf -Target $dn -Value "=" -Nth 2) - 2)

PS C:\> Find-NthIndexOf -Target "Hello World." -Value "w" -IgnoreCase -Nth 1


Queries DNS to get the computers IPAddress then, returns the ADSiteName base on AD Sites and Services.

PS C:\> Get-ADComputerSiteName

PSComputerName ADSiteName            
-------------- ----------            
MyComputer     Default-First-Site

PS C:\> Get-ADComputer -Filter { Name -like '*Computer*' } | Get-ADComputerSiteName

PSComputerName ADSiteName            
-------------- ----------            
MyComputer     Default-First-Site


Gets AppLocker events based on given critera from the local or remote machine(s).

PS C:\> Get-AppLockerWinEvent -MaxEvents 2

      ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker

TimeCreated                     Id LevelDisplayName Message
-----------                     -- ---------------- -------
10/5/2017 8:17:59 AM          8005 Information      %OSDRIVE%\USERS\dotps1\DOCUMENTS\GITHUB\PSFUNCTIONS\FUNCTIONS\GET-APPLOCKERWINEVENT.PS1 was allowed to run.
10/5/2017 8:15:10 AM          8002 Information      %PROGRAMFILES%\GIT\MINGW64\BIN\GIT.EXE was allowed to run.

PS C:\> Get-AppLockerWinEvent -MaxEvents 2 -Oldest -LogName ExeAndDll -Credential (Get-Credential) -ComputerName myremotebox

      ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-AppLocker

TimeCreated                     Id LevelDisplayName Message
-----------                     -- ---------------- -------
10/5/2017 7:33:43 AM          8002 Information      %OSDRIVE%\USERS\dotps1\APPDATA\LOCAL\MICROSOFT\ONEDRIVE\ONEDRIVESTANDALONEUPDATER.EXE was prevented from running.
10/5/2017 7:33:43 AM          8002 Information      %PROGRAMFILES%\GIT\CMD\GIT.EXE was allowed to run.


Test for applicable patches to prevent the WannaCry/WannaCrypt malware. Tests for the SMB1 protocol and component.

PS C:\> Get-EternalBlueVulnerabilityStatistics

PSComputerName         : my-win7-rig
OperatingSystemCaption : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
OperatingSystemVersion : 6.1.7601
LastBootUpTime         : 5/14/2017 3:38:38 PM
AppliedHotFixID        : KB4012212;KB4015546;KB4015549
SMB1FeatureEnabled     : False
SMB1ProtocolEnabled    : False
Port139Enabled         : True
Port445Enabled         : True

PS C:\> Get-ADComputer -Identity domain-win7-rig | Get-EternalBlueVulnerabilityStatistics

PSComputerName         : domain-win7-rig
OperatingSystemCaption : Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
OperatingSystemVersion : 6.1.7601
LastBootUpTime         : 3/14/2017 3:38:38 PM
AppliedHotFixID        : 
SMB1FeatureEnabled     : False
SMB1ProtocolEnabled    : True
Port139Enabled         : True
Port445Enabled         : True


Enumerates all sub folders and file of a directory returning the entire folder structure size.

PS C:\> Get-FolderSize -Path C:\Users\tomohulk\Documents

Path                          Size(MB)
----                          --------
C:\Users\tomohulk\Documents 9732.33304

PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Usuers\tomohulk\Documents -Directory | Get-FolderSize -Unit MB

Path                                                 Size(MB)
----                                                 --------
C:\Users\tomohulk\Documents\Custom Office Templates         0
C:\Users\tomohulk\Documents\GitHub                  211.29266
C:\Users\tomohulk\Documents\GitLab                    4.45472
C:\Users\tomohulk\Documents\My Received Files         0.24156
C:\Users\tomohulk\Documents\WindowsPowerShell         0.07872


Get extended item metadeta attribute value from an item using COM and referenced by attribute number.

PS C:\> Get-ItemExtendedAttribute -Path .\googlechromestandaloneenterprise.msi -Attribute 24

Attribute Value
--------- -----
24 57.0.2987.98 Copyright 2011 Google Inc.

PS C:\> Get-ItemExtendedAttribute -Path $env:WinDir

Attribute Value
--------- -----
        2 File folder
        3 3/24/2017 7:50 AM
        4 7/16/2016 2:04 AM
        5 3/24/2017 7:50 AM
        6 D
        8 Available offline
        9 Unknown
       10 TrustedInstaller
       11 Folder
       19 Unrated
       50 58.4 GB
       54 MyComputer (this PC)
      158 Windows
      162 33.0 GB
      180 No
      183 C:\
      184 C:\
      185 C:\
      187 C:\Windows
      189 File folder
      195 Unresolved
      247 ‎43%


Gets the last not special user to have a loaded profile on a given system.

PS C:\> Get-LastLoggedOnUser

PSComputerName LastUseTime         UserName        Loaded
-------------- -----------         --------        ------
localhost      5/5/2017 9:06:45 AM domain\username   True

PS C:\> Get-LastLoggedOnUser -Name Server1, Server2 -Credential (Get-Credential)

PSComputerName LastUseTime         UserName        Loaded
-------------- -----------         --------        ------
Server1        5/5/2017 9:06:45 AM domain\username   True
Server2        5/5/2017 9:06:45 AM domain\username  False


Opens a Windows Installer Database (.msi) and queries for the specified property value.

PS C:\> Get-MsiPropertyValue -Path .\jre1.8.0_121.msi -Property ProductVersion, ProductCode
Name             ProductVersion ProductCode
----             -------------- -----------
jre1.8.0_121.msi 8.0.1210.13    {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180121F0}

PS C:\> Get-ChildItem -Path ".\Installers" -Filter "*.msi" | Select -ExpandProperty FullName | Get-MsiPropertyValue -Property ProductVersion, ProductCode
Name             ProductVersion ProductCode
----             -------------- -----------
jre1.8.0_101.msi 8.0.1010.13    {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180101F0}
jre1.8.0_111.msi 8.0.1110.14    {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180111F0}
jre1.8.0_121.msi 8.0.1210.13    {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180121F0}


Gets the uninstall string for a program, can be filtered to a key word of the programs display name.

PS C:\> Get-ProgramUninstallString -Name "Google Chrome"

Name          Version       Guid                                   UninstallString
----          -------       ----                                   ---------------
Google Chrome 57.0.2987.110 {4F711ED6-6E14-3607-A3CA-E3282AFE87B6} MsiExec.exe /X{4F711ED6-6E14-3607-A3CA-E3282AFE87B6}

PS C:\> Get-ProgramUninstallString -Filter "Google*"

Name                 Version       Guid                                   UninstallString
----                 -------       ----                                   ---------------
Google Chrome        57.0.2987.110 {4F711ED6-6E14-3607-A3CA-E3282AFE87B6} MsiExec.exe /X{4F711ED6-6E14-3607-A3CA-E3282AFE87B6}
Google Update Helper      {60EC980A-BDA2-4CB6-A427-B07A5498B4CA} MsiExec.exe /I{60EC980A-BDA2-4CB6-A427-B07A5498B4CA}


Create a new username with the following order until a unique Username is found.

  1. First Initial Last Name.
  2. First Initial First Middle Initial Last Name.
  3. Iterates First Name adding each Char until a unique Username is found.
PS C:\> New-Username -FirstName John -LastName Doe


PS C:\> New-Username -FirstName Jane -LastName Doe -MiddleName Ala



Removes the current NetIPAddress and NetRoute on a given NetAdapter. Sets a new Static NetIPAddress and adds DNS Server values if provided.

PS C:\> New-NetStaticIPAddress -InterfaceIndex 3 -IPAddress -DefaultGateway -PrefixLength 24 -DnsServerAddress -Confirm:$false

IPAddress         :
InterfaceIndex    : 3
InterfaceAlias    : Ethernet
AddressFamily     : IPv4
Type              : Unicast
PrefixLength      : 24
PrefixOrigin      : Manual
SuffixOrigin      : Manual
AddressState      : Tentative
ValidLifetime     : Infinite ([TimeSpan]::MaxValue)
PreferredLifetime : Infinite ([TimeSpan]::MaxValue)
SkipAsSource      : False
PolicyStore       : ActiveStore


Gets the Latest version of the Google Chrome for Enterprise msi.

PS C:\> Get-GoogleChromeMsiInstaller

      Directory: C:\Users\dotps1\Downloads

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       12/12/2018   4:11 PM       55500800 googlechromestandaloneenterprise.msi
-a----       12/12/2018   4:11 PM       56463360 googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi

PS C:\> Get-GoogleChromeMsiInstaller -Path C:\Temp -Architecture x86

      Directory: C:\Users\dotps1\Downloads

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       12/12/2018   4:11 PM       55500800 googlechromestandaloneenterprise.msi


Sets a value or multiple values in the same row in a comma separated value.

PS C:\> Set-CsvValue -Path .\my.csv -Key "ComputerName" -Value "MyComputer" -Hashtable @{ Owner = "dotps1" }

PS C:\> Set-CsvValue -Path .\my.csv -Key "ComputerName" -Value "MyComputer" -Hashtable @{ Owner = "dotps1"; Make = "Dell"; Model = "XPS 15" }


Simulates an Authentication Request in a Domain environment using a PSCredential Object. Returns $true if both Username and Password pair are valid.

PS C:\> Test-Credential -Credential (Get-Credential)

PS C:\> $credential = (Get-Credential)
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
PS C:\> Test-Credential -Credential $credential


Repository for holding script-functions that are published to the PowerShell Gallery.







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