**This example is made for NiceGui with Non Premium FullCalendar plugins enabled
@fullcalendar/interaction Required to detect dateClick actions, selectable actions, and event drag-n-drop & resizing. Not needed for eventClick or eventMouseEnter/eventMouseLeave.
@fullcalendar/daygrid Offers Month and DayGrid views: dayGridYear, dayGridMonth, dayGridWeek, dayGridDay, dayGrid (generic)
@fullcalendar/timegrid Offers TimeGrid views: timeGridWeek, timeGridDay, timeGrid (generic)
@fullcalendar/list Offers Lists views: listYear, listMonth, listWeek, listDay, list (generic)
@fullcalendar/multimonth Offers Multi-Month views:multiMonthYear, multiMonth (generic)
@fullcalendar/scrollgrid Provides advanced scrolling features such as horizontal scrolling to certain views
@fullcalendar/google-calendar For loading events from a public Google Calendar feed
@fullcalendar/icalendar For loading events from an iCalendar feed
@fullcalendar/rrule For leveraging the RRule library for event recurrence
@fullcalendar/luxon2 Offers a named-timezone implementation, a formatting string implementation, and utilities for converting to Luxon DateTimes.
@fullcalendar/luxon Supports Luxon v1.
*You wil also find a form to create events and a bit of code to handle date click and event click