Kontr (pronounced as Contour) is an opensource project to leverage the power of Kotlin DSL to make a simple and expressive api to create http requests.
Disclaimer: you shouldn't use Kontr for performance testing, use https://github.com/gatling instead.
Current version is 1.1.0 and although is fairly usable please consider it EXPERIMENTAL with DSL interfaces subjected to changes.
The recommended versions are the latest ones available:
- Java 21 or higher
- Kotlin 1.9.22 or higher
No support to other versions is provided, although it should be possible to downgrade without much effort.
We try to keep the external dependencies to a minimum (kotlin-stdlib
and slf4j-api
) but we still recommend to have a new project for the kontr files.
The project kontr-examples should be a good starting point for a new project and includes assertj-core
and json-unit
for convenient assertion writing.
This is the simplest usage example:
package org.company.example
import org.kontr.dsl.collection
fun main() {
collection {
get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/domgom/kontr/main/README.md") { onResponse { ok } }
And we can make more expressive function names instead of using the http operations directly.
package org.company.example
import org.assertj.core.api.AssertionsForClassTypes.assertThat
import org.kontr.dsl.CollectionDsl
import org.kontr.dsl.collection
fun main() {
collection {
verifyLicense("Apache License")
private fun CollectionDsl.checkReadme() {
get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/domgom/kontr/main/README.md") {
headers {
onResponse { healthy }
onResponse { assertThat(body).startsWith("# Kontr\n") }
private fun CollectionDsl.verifyLicense(licenseName : String) {
get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/domgom/kontr/main/LICENSE") {
headers {
onResponse {
We can also generate those functions from postman collections, so we can focus on building testing workflows instead of crafting the requests individually.
// on project root
mvn jar:jar && java -jar kontr-cli/target/kontr-cli-1.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar gp "kontr-generator-postman/src/test/resources/weather.api.postman_collection.json" "kontr-cli/target/generated-sources/postman" "org.example.generated" "Collection"
We have now https://kontr.onrender.com/ where you can generate online your Kontr DSL files uploading the Postman collections! 🚀
Gives us a good baseline to work with:
package org.example.generated
import kotlin.String
import net.javacrumbs.jsonunit.assertj.assertThatJson
import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
import org.example.generated.Env.baseUrl
import org.example.generated.Env.email
import org.example.generated.Env.password
import org.kontr.dsl.CollectionDsl
import org.kontr.dsl.RequestDsl
import org.kontr.dsl.collection
public data object Env {
public val baseUrl: String = ""
public val email: String = ""
public val password: String = ""
public object Auth {
public fun CollectionDsl.login( email: String, password: String): RequestDsl = post("${baseUrl}/api/login"){
header("Content-Type", "application/json")
body = """{"email":"${email}","password":"${password}"}"""
public fun CollectionDsl.`create user`(): RequestDsl = post("${baseUrl}/api/user"){
header("Content-Type", "application/json")
header("Accept", "*/*")
body = """
| {
| "email": "[email protected]",
| "password": "Be6hoptsjOgioHBs874aCpdamZP1ZQ",
| }
public fun runCollection1() {
val c = collection{
`create user`()
If the amount of redundant public
modifiers bothers you, you can use IntelliJ's Code/Code cleanup..
to remove them.
We recommend IntelliJ as the IDE for Kontr (and really any Kotlin project). We get nice colouring for the DSL syntax:
Kontr has a modular architecture so new extensions like other http clients or openapi generator can be included in the future.
- Object serialisation/deserialisation is available as convenience functions
if you include kotlinx serialisation dependency. - Doesn't work with proxies.
- Open api format is not yet integrated, for the time being you can directly import your openapi collection to Postman and export the Postman collection.
Roadmap: work in progress