This generator is ARCHIVED as we're not using it anymore.
This is a highly opinionated Yeoman generator for building Typescript-based modules with the following features:
- Complete Grunt-based tasks to transpile and test your Typescript files
- Mocha and Chai-based testing framework
- Istanbul-based coverage calculation
- Loglevel Logger set up
- Support for Bluebird-based promises (including testing capabilities based on chai-as-promised)
- Code Style checking based on ESlint, Typescript-eslint and Prettier with some opinionated settings
- Git ignore set up for Node and major IDEs
Install yo
and generator-dodevops-typescript
npm install -g yo generator-dodevops-typescript
Create a new directory and run the generator
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
yo dodevops-typescript
The generator will ask you a few questions and then you can start right away by opening then example class in index.ts
in your favourite editor or IDE.