##What it does Using BLE technology, this app brings to you basic indoor localization!
It is meant to work with dobeacons and ask's standby interface.
Currently, StandBy lets you inform everyone of your position and availability via wifi. This app improves the localization using BLE devices, and automatically inform others of your position for you!
The app runs silently in the background of your phone. All you have to do is to choose the BLE devices you wish to use for localization, and fill in your standby credentials. Afterwards, you can simply close the app, and forget about it! If you ever wish to change the settings or stop the localization, start Presence again.
The app updates your position every 30 sec.
##APK You can find the apk on Google Play Store
This project uses the bluenet-lib-android project found here. Until the library is added to the maven repository you have to install it manually following these steps:
Clone the repository bluenet-lib-android to your disk
cd to the root folder of this project
create a symlink to the bluenet-lib-android folder using:
ln -s /path/to/the/bluenet-lib-android bluenet-lib
Refresh the presence-app in the android studio:
File > Synchronize