A color scheme inspired by Cold Spring Fault Less Youth, originally created by Jan T. Sott, modified by Dāvis Namsons.
- Syntax coloring improvements for Ruby/JS/Elixir/Rust/etc.
- Better editor color scheme that is kind on the eyes
- Improved UI & terminal colors
- Support for semantic syntax highlighting
Color | Normal | Bright |
Blue | #719190 |
#8AB1B0 |
Cyan | #418292 |
#4C96A8 |
Green | #889B4A |
#A3B95A |
Magenta | #7E5053 |
#98676A |
Red | #DC3958 |
#F14A68 |
Yellow | #F79A32 |
#FCAC51 |
Foreground(Default) | #C2A383 |
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License.