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dmetivie committed Mar 25, 2022
1 parent 4f337a8 commit cee9f01
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Showing 5 changed files with 256 additions and 1 deletion.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ uuid = "e1fe09cc-5134-44c2-a941-50f4cd97986a"
authors = ["David Métivier <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.0"

ArgCheck = "dce04be8-c92d-5529-be00-80e4d2c0e197"
Distributions = "31c24e10-a181-5473-b8eb-7969acd0382f"
StatsFuns = "4c63d2b9-4356-54db-8cca-17b64c39e42c"

julia = "1"

Expand Down
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1 +1,47 @@
# ExpectationMaximization

This package provides a simple implementation of the Expectation Maximization algorithm used to fit mixture models.
Due to [Julia]( amazing [multiple dispatch]( systems and the [Distributions]( package, the code is very generic i.e., mixture of all common distributions should be supported.

## Example

using Distributions
using ExpectationMaximization

### Model

N = 50000
θ₁ = 10
θ₂ = 5
α = 0.2
β = 0.3
# Mixture Model here one can put any classical distributions
mix_true = MixtureModel([Exponential(θ₁), Gamma(α, θ₂)], [β, 1 - β])

# Generate N samples from the mixture
y = rand(mix_true, N)

### Inference

# Initial guess
mix_mle = fit_mle(mix_guess, y; display = :iter, tol = 1e-3, robust = false, infos = false)

# Fit the MLE with the EM algorithm
mix_mle = fit_mle(mix_guess, y; display = :iter, tol = 1e-3, robust = false, infos = false)

### Verify results

rtol = 5e-2
p = params(mix_mle)[1] # (θ₁, (α, θ₂))
isapprox(β, probs(mix_mle)[1]; rtol = rtol)
isapprox(θ₁, p[1]...; rtol = rtol)
isapprox(α, p[2][1]; rtol = rtol)
isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol = rtol)
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions src/fit_em.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
fit_mle(mix::MixtureModel, y; display = :none, maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-3, robust = false)
fit_em use Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to maximize the Loglikelihood (fit) the mixture to an i.i.d sample `y`.
The `mix` agrument is a mixture that is used to initilize the EM algorithm.
function fit_mle(mix::MixtureModel, y::AbstractVector; display = :none, maxiter = 1000, tol = 1e-3, robust = false, infos = false)

@argcheck display in [:none, :iter, :final]
@argcheck maxiter >= 0

N, K = length(y), ncomponents(mix)
history = Dict("converged" => false, "iterations" => 0, "logtots" => zeros(0))

# Allocate memory for in-place updates

LL = zeros(N, K)
γ = similar(LL)
c = zeros(N)
# types = typeof.(components(mix))

# Initial parameters
α = copy(probs(mix))
dists = copy(components(mix))

# E-step
# evaluate likelihood for each type k
for k = 1:K
LL[:, k] = log(α[k]) .+ logpdf(dists[k], y)
robust && replace!(LL, -Inf => nextfloat(-Inf), Inf => log(prevfloat(Inf)))
# get posterior of each category
c[:] = logsumexp(LL, dims = 2)
γ[:, :] = exp.(LL .- c)

# Loglikelihood
logtot = sum(c)
(display == :iter) && println("Iteration 0: logtot = $logtot")

for it = 1:maxiter

# M-step
# with γ, maximize (update) the parameters
α[:] = mean(γ, dims = 1)
dists[:] = [fit_mle(dists[k], y, γ[:, k]) for k = 1:K]

# E-step
# evaluate likelihood for each type k
for k = 1:K
LL[:, k] = log(α[k]) .+ logpdf(dists[k], y)
robust && replace!(LL, -Inf => nextfloat(-Inf), Inf => log(prevfloat(Inf)))
# get posterior of each category
c[:] = logsumexp(LL, dims = 2)
γ[:, :] = exp.(LL .- c)

# Loglikelihood
logtotp = sum(c)
(display == :iter) && println("Iteration $it: logtot = $logtotp")

push!(history["logtots"], logtotp)
history["iterations"] += 1

if abs(logtotp - logtot) < tol
(display in [:iter, :final]) &&
println("EM converged in $it iterations, logtot = $logtotp")
history["converged"] = true

logtot = logtotp

if !history["converged"]
if display in [:iter, :final]
println("EM has not converged after $(history["iterations"]) iterations, logtot = $logtot")

return infos ? (MixtureModel(dists, α), history) : MixtureModel(dists, α)

function fit_mle(mix::MixtureModel, y::AbstractMatrix; display = :none, maxiter = 1000, tol = 1e-3, robust = false, infos = false)

@argcheck display in [:none, :iter, :final]
@argcheck maxiter >= 0

N, K = size(y, 2), ncomponents(mix)
history = Dict("converged" => false, "iterations" => 0, "logtots" => zeros(0))

# Allocate memory for in-place updates

LL = zeros(N, K)
γ = similar(LL)
c = zeros(N)
# types = typeof.(components(mix))

# Initial parameters
α = copy(probs(mix))
dists = copy(components(mix))

# E-step
# evaluate likelihood for each type k
for k = 1:K
LL[:, k] = log(α[k]) .+ logpdf(dists[k], y)
robust && replace!(LL, -Inf => nextfloat(-Inf), Inf => log(prevfloat(Inf)))
# get posterior of each category
c[:] = logsumexp(LL, dims = 2)
γ[:, :] = exp.(LL .- c)

# Loglikelihood
logtot = sum(c)
(display == :iter) && println("Iteration 0: logtot = $logtot")

for it = 1:maxiter

# M-step
# with γ in hand, maximize (update) the parameters
α[:] = mean(γ, dims = 1)
dists[:] = [fit_mle(dists[k], y, γ[:, k]) for k = 1:K]

# E-step
# evaluate likelihood for each type k
for k = 1:K
LL[:, k] = log(α[k]) .+ logpdf(dists[k], y)
robust && replace!(LL, -Inf => nextfloat(-Inf), Inf => log(prevfloat(Inf)))
# get posterior of each category
c[:] = logsumexp(LL, dims = 2)
γ[:, :] = exp.(LL .- c)

# Loglikelihood
logtotp = sum(c)
(display == :iter) && println("Iteration $it: logtot = $logtotp")

push!(history["logtots"], logtotp)
history["iterations"] += 1

if abs(logtotp - logtot) < tol
(display in [:iter, :final]) &&
println("EM converged in $it iterations, logtot = $logtotp")
history["converged"] = true

logtot = logtotp

if !history["converged"]
if display in [:iter, :final]
println("EM has not converged after $(history["iterations"]) iterations, logtot = $logtot")

return infos ? (MixtureModel(dists, α), history) : MixtureModel(dists, α)
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions src/fit_mle_product_distributions.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#! What is the convention and or the most efficient way to store these multidim arrays: samples from column/row correspond to one distributions?
#! Here we choose row correspond to one distributions and number of row is the number of realization
#! It seems to be the convention
#TODO Only work for distributions with known fit_mle (cannot be product_distribution of mixture because of the typeof)
Simply extend the `fit_mle` function to multivariate Product distributions.
function fit_mle(g::Product, x::AbstractMatrix)
S = size(x, 1) # row convention
vec_g = g.v
@argcheck S == length(vec_g)
return product_distribution([fit_mle(typeof(vec_g[s]), y) for (s, y) in enumerate(eachrow(x))])

function fit_mle(g::Product, x::AbstractMatrix, γ::AbstractVector)
S = size(x, 1) # row convention
vec_g = g.v
@argcheck S == length(vec_g)
return product_distribution([fit_mle(typeof(vec_g[s]), y, γ) for (s, y) in enumerate(eachrow(x))])

Now `fit_mle(Bernoulli(0.2), x)` is accepted in addition of `fit_mle(Bernoulli, x)` this allows compatibility with how `fit_mle(g::Product)` and `fit_mle(g::MixtureModel)` are written.
function fit_mle(g::Distribution{Univariate,Discrete}, args...)
fit_mle(typeof(g), args...)

function fit_mle(g::Distribution{Univariate,Continuous}, args...)
fit_mle(typeof(g), args...)
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
using ExpectationMaximization
using Distributions
using Test

@testset "ExpectationMaximization.jl" begin
# Write your tests here.
N = 50000
θ₁ = 10
θ₂ = 5
α = 0.2
β = 0.3
rtol = 5e-2
mix_true = MixtureModel([Exponential(θ₁), Gamma(α, θ₂)], [β, 1 - β])
y = rand(mix_true, N)
mix_guess = MixtureModel([Exponential(1), Gamma(0.5, 1)], [0.5, 1 - 0.5])
mix_mle = fit_mle(mix_guess, y; display = :iter, tol = 1e-3, robust = false, infos = false)

p = params(mix_mle)[1]
@test isapprox(β, probs(mix_mle)[1]; rtol = rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₁, p[1]...; rtol = rtol)
@test isapprox(α, p[2][1]; rtol = rtol)
@test isapprox(θ₂, p[2][2]; rtol = rtol)

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