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Daniel A. Mayer edited this page Jan 18, 2014 · 1 revision

idb can be used in two ways as an interactive shell or as a command line utility which executes a single command.

       ruby irb.rb [options] [optional command]
if [optional command] is specified, it is executed and idb exits. If it is omitted,
 an intractive idb prompt is displayed

Valid [options] are:
     --simulator, -s:   Use simulator
        --device, -d:   Use iOS device via SSH
  --username, -u <s>:   SSH username (default: root)
  --password, -p <s>:   SSH password
  --hostname, -h <s>:   SSH hostname
      --port, -o <i>:   SSH port (default: 22)
       --version, -v:   Print version and exit
      --help, -e:   Show this message

Usage with iDevice

To use idb with an iDevice run it, e.g., with the following command:

ruby idb.rb --device --hostname localhost --port 2222 --username root --password alpine

Usage with Simulator

To use idb with a simulator run it with the following command:

ruby idb.rb --simulator

All available simulator versions are automatically detected and listed. After selecting a simulator one is dropped into the interactive shell.

$ ruby idb.rb --simulator
Multiple simulators found::
1. /Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0
2. /Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1
[*] Using simulator in /Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0.
idb >

Specifying the Command on the Command Line

For either mode, an optional command can be specified directly on the command line. If such a command is present, it is executed and idb exits.


ruby idb.rb --simulator cert reinstall ~/test.cert
Multiple simulators found::
1. /Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0
2. /Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1
[*] Using simulator in /Users/daniel/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0.
[*] Reading and converting certificate...
[*] Removing exising entry from trust store...
[*] Operation complete
[*] Reading and converting certificate...
[*] Inserting certificate into trust store...
[*] Operation complete