Source code and materials presented in the CMEMS training for America, June 29-30 2021
- Duration: 20 min
- Level: Beginner (assumue basic use of RStudio)
- Import and inspect NetCDF files
- Visualize and analyze gridded products
- Extract values from a numerical model
- R notebook, is a web-based version with explanations and R code.
- User manual, is a printed version of the notebook
- R script, contains the R code
- Video (coming soon)
Sample data from /data
folder was acquired from the following sources:
- Numerical model, from Copernicus Marine Service
- Boundary of Galapagos Islands marine protected area, from the World Database on Protected Areas
David March. Using R to work with Copernicus Marine Data. MarineData4America Workshop. 29-30 June 2021 (Version 1.0.0). Zenodo.