This library was formerly named docker-testkit
. As requested by an attorney
representing Docker, Inc. I have changed this name. It is now called testkit-on-docker
Please update your package.json
This library will assist you in writing integration tests. Instead of having to install all kinds of services on your development station or writing low-fidelity fake data access code you can just specify a Docker container, a port to talk to and get testing. The library will take care of the rest!
var DockerTestKit = require('testkit-on-docker');
var orchestrator = DockerTestKit.createOrchestrator();
var dockerHost = DockerTestKit.getDockerHost();
describe('My Redis module', function() {
it('should read and write a key/value pair', function() {
var config = { "Image": "redis:latest", "HostConfig": { "PublishAllPorts": true }};
return orchestrator.withContainer(config, function(data) {
var port = data.NetworkSettings.Ports["6379/tcp"][0].HostPort;
var client = redis.createClient({host: dockerHost, port: port });
// Do stuff
Note that if you do not have Docker locally installed on a Linux host running the code you will need to correctly setup your Docker environment variables. For example, if you are running docker-machine:
eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
This library supports TypeScript. It's type definitions are automatically available to TypeScript through an index.d.ts file in the package root.