Based on but has some improvements
- Support for []string
- Support for float64
- Support for float32
- Support for nil values in columns
- More resilient to empty spaces
- Supports go modules
Note it is not a complete drop in replacement as some of the public API needed to be changed in order to support more functionality
tsv advanced is tab-separated values parser for GO. It will parse lines and insert data into any type of struct. tsv supports both simple structs and structs with tagging.
go get
tsv inserts data into struct by fields order.
import (
type TestRow struct {
Name string // 0
Age int // 1
Gender string // 2
Active bool // 3
func main() {
file, _ := os.Open("example.tsv")
defer file.Close()
arrayDeliminator := ","
nilSign := "\\N"
data := TestRow{}
parser, err := NewParser(file, &data, arrayDeliminator, nilSign)
for {
eof, err := parser.Next()
if eof {
if err != nil {
You can define tags to struct fields to map values.
type TestRow struct {
Name string `tsv:"name"`
Age int `tsv:"age"`
Active bool `tsv:"active"`
Gender string `tsv:"gender"`
MiddleNames []string `tsv:"middleNames"`
BigNumber float64 `tsv:"bigNumber"`
SmallNumber float32 `tsv:"smallNumber"`
Currently, this library supports limited fields but more can easily be added on request or feel free to open PRs with the added functionality
- int
- string
- bool
- float32
- float64
- []string