A helper library for TFX
This package contains small utilities that help in creation of TFX pipelines:
- supports running pipeline locally or on Vertex AI Pipelines (with all training, tuning and serving also happening inside Vertex AI),
- abstracts local vs cloud execution environment outside of the pipeline definition (no need for
if use_gcp:
conditions inside your pipeline code - write a uniform pipeline creation code and run it on both local and cloud), - construct complex
for TFX extension components for you (configuration of extension components is complex and not well documented - we did the research for you and are exposing a simple API), - enable GPU in training/tuning/serving with a single argument,
- enable declaring per-component resource requirements (you can now run
component on a beefier machine if you have a large model), - use generator function syntax in pipeline definition to avoid boilerplate,
- avoid passing a hundred parameters into your pipeline definition (cloud configuration, like
is now only part of cloud-targeted runner)
In addition we provide a set of helper functions for visualization of TFX pipeline artifacts.
pip install tfx-helper
- Use our helper component interface in you pipeline definition.
- Return a collection of components.
- For multi-version components (
) construction use the helper.
from tfx_helper.interface import PipelineHelperInterface
def create_pipeline(
pipeline_helper: PipelineHelperInterface, # pass in the helper as interface
# all your pipeline parameters
train_epochs: int, # maximum number of training epochs in trainer
... # other parameters
) -> Iterable[BaseComponent]: # return a collection of components
# create `Transform` in the usual way
transform = tfx.components.Transform(
analyze=["train", "valid"],
transform=["train", "valid", "eval"],
yield transform
# use the helper to create a `Trainer` in a uniform way
trainer = pipeline_helper.construct_trainer(
# custom parameters to the training callback
custom_config={"epochs": train_epochs, "patience": train_patience},
yield trainer
Create a pipeline runner that will take your uniform pipeline definition and materialize
it for running locally (through DirectRunner
from tfx_helper.local import LocalPipelineHelper
def run() -> None:
"""Create and run a pipeline locally."""
input_dir = ...
output_dir = ...
serving_model_dir = ...
# Create pipeline helper instance of local flavour.
pipeline_helper = LocalPipelineHelper(
# Where should the model be pushed to
components = create_pipeline(
# Pass our pipeline helper instance
# The rest of the parameters are pipeline-specific.
... # other arguments
# Run the pipeline
Notice that no cloud-specific configuration was needed neither in the runner nor in the pipeline definition.
Create a pipline runner that will take you uniform pipeline definition and materialize
it for running in the cloud (on Vertex AI Pipelines through KubeflowV2DagRunner
from tfx_helper.interface import Resources
from tfx_helper.vertex_ai import VertexAIPipelineHelper
def run() -> None:
output_dir = "gs://..."
# minimal (less than the standard `e2-standard-4`) resource for components
# that won't execute computations
minimal_resources = Resources(cpu=1, memory=4)
# create a helper instance of cloud flavour
pipeline_helper = VertexAIPipelineHelper(
# all the components will use our custom image for running
service_account="[email protected]",
# name of the Vertex AI Endpoint
# Number of parallel hyperparameter tuning trails
# GPU for Trainer and Tuner components
# Machine type for Trainer and Tuner components
# GPU for serving endpoint
# Machine type for serving endpoint
# Override resource requirements of components. The dictionary key is the ID
# of the component (usually class name, unless changed with `with_id` method).
# evaluator needs more RAM than standard machine can provide
"Evaluator": Resources(cpu=16, memory=32),
# training is done as Vertex job on a separate machine
"Trainer": minimal_resources,
# tuning is done as Vertex job on a separate set of machines
"Tuner": minimal_resources,
# pusher is just submitting a job
"Pusher": minimal_resources,
# Run the pipeline
components = create_pipeline(
# Input data in Cloud Storage
... # other arguments
# Run the pipeline
pipeline_helper.create_and_run_pipeline(components, enable_cache=True)
The TFX pipeline artifacts can be visualized inside Jupyter Notebook cells using (mostly) custom interactive widgets. In order to be able to display those widgets, the following prerequisites need to be fulfilled:
widget extensions need to be installed,
jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension --sys-prefix jupyter nbextension install --py --symlink tensorflow_model_analysis --sys-prefix jupyter nbextension enable --py tensorflow_model_analysis --sys-prefix
notebook needs to be trusted.
Each TFX artifact is stored in the TFX pipeline's output location. Depending on whether you run your pipeline locally or on VertexAI the structure of the directories is different. We provide helpers that can assist you in retrieving the newest artifact locations. In local environment the helper uses directory traversal to find the correct path. With VertexAI the helper communicates with VertexAI ML Metadata Service.
For local pipeline runs:
from tfx_helper.artifact_finder.local import NewestLocalPathGetter
from tfx_helper.artifact_finder.interface import ArtifactPathGetterInterface
path_getter: ArtifactPathGetterInterface = NewestLocalPathGetter(
artifact_dir=pipeline_output, pipeline_name=pipeline_name
best_hparams_path = path_getter('Tuner', 'best_hyperparameters')
evaluation_path = path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation')
For VertexAI pipeline runs:
from tfx_helper.artifact_finder.interface import ArtifactPathGetterInterface
from tfx_helper.artifact_finder.vertex_ai import NewsetRunVertexAIPathGetter
path_getter: ArtifactPathGetterInterface = NewsetRunVertexAIPathGetter(
pipeline_name=pipeline_name, region=gcp_region, project=gcp_project
best_hparams_path = path_getter('Tuner', 'best_hyperparameters')
evaluation_path = path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation')
The obtained directory can be used with our set of helper functions that help you preview the artifacts in an easy manner.
Please note that the name of a pipeline component can be customized. If you define in your pipeline:
stats_gen = tfx.components.StatisticsGen(...)
then you should use:
evaluation_path = path_getter('StatisticsGen', 'statistics')
but if you customize the name:
stats_gen = tfx.components.StatisticsGen(...).with_id("raw_stats_gen")
then you should use:
evaluation_path = path_getter('raw_stats_gen', 'statistics')
Use the display_stats
helper to compare statistics of two splits of the same dataset:
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_stats import display_stats
display_stats(path_getter('raw_stats_gen', 'statistics'))
Use the compare_stats
helper to compare statistics between two datasets.
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_stats import compare_stats
left_dir=path_getter('raw_stats_gen', 'statistics'),
right_dir=path_getter('inference_stats_gen', 'statistics')
Use the display_schema
helper to preview dataset schema:
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_schema import display_schema
display_schema(path_getter('SchemaGen', 'schema'))
If you use ExampleValidator
component, you can preview its anomalies detection report
using display_anomalies
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_anomalies import display_anomalies
display_anomalies(path_getter('ExampleValidator', 'anomalies'), split_name='all')
To view the values of best hyperparameters chosen by the Tuner
component, you can use
the display_hyperparams
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_hyperparams import display_hyperparams
display_hyperparams(path_getter('Tuner', 'best_hyperparameters'))
If you use slicing_specs
in EvalConfig
to your Evaluator
component, then you might
be willing to view what kind of slices were produced during evaluation:
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_metrics import get_slice_names
get_slice_names(path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'))
To view the overall metrics for your model use display_metrics
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_metrics import display_metrics
display_metrics(path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'))
To view metrics by slice use:
display_metrics(path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'), column='HomePlanet')
To view the overall plots for your model use display_plots
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_metrics import display_plots
display_plots(path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'))
To view plots for a specific slice use:
display_plots(path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'), slice_key={'HomePlanet': 'Earth'})
To check whether the candidate model passed validation (when you have thresholds configured in EvalConfig
use passed_validation
from tfx_helper.visualization.display_metrics import passed_validation
passed_validation(path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'))
To view a binary classification confusion matrix constructed from the evaluation result
of your model (data availability determined by presence of ConfusionMatrixPlot
in EvalConfig
to your Evaluator
from tfx_helper.visualization.confusion_matrix import plot_binary_classification_confusion_matrix
plot_binary_classification_confusion_matrix(path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'))
We provide a pipeline component for finding the best (by geometric mean) threshold to use from the thresholds gathered during evaluation:
from tfx_helper.components.threshold_optimizer.component import (
threshold_optimizer = BinaryClassificationThresholdOptimizer(
To view the confusion plot with the optimized threshold use:
from tfx_helper.visualization.threshold_optimization import load_best_threshold
best_threshold = load_best_threshold(
path_getter('ThresholdOptimizer', 'best_threshold')
path_getter('Evaluator', 'evaluation'), threshold=best_threshold
Link to article describing creation of TFX pipeline for sentiment analysis using this helper library: https://dlabs.ai/resources/courses/bert-sentiment-analysis-on-vertex-ai-using-tfx/