by Daniel J leite
This repository contains the assembly and annotation pipeline as well as the annotation for the genome of the polyclad flatworm Prostheceraeus crozeri (ENA: GCA_907163375). All details on software versions can be found in the paper (doi:
The annotation and fasta files:
PROCRO.gtf.gz # GTF annotation
PROCRO.gff.gz # GFF annotation
PROCRO_cds.fasta.gz # cds fasta
PROCRO_aa.fasta.gz # animo acid annotation
The main pipeline commands contain
- ASSEMBLY (FLYE assembly, NextPolish polishing, Purge_dups haplotype associated deduplication)
- REPEAT MASKING (Repeat modeling and masking)
Flye was used for assembly of the PacBio reads.
flye \
--pacbio-raw ${READ1} ${READ2} \
-g 2.53g \
-o ${GENOME_OUT} \
-t 40 \
-i 1 \
--asm-coverage 75 \
-m 8000 \
Polishing with NextPolish requires file of file names for long (lgs.fofn
) and trimmed short reads (sgs.fofn
), and a config file (run.cfg
). The run.cfg
file was formatted as below, with .
job_type = local
job_prefix = <DIR>
task = best
rewrite = yes
rerun = 3
parallel_jobs = 4
multithread_jobs = 8
genome = <GENOME>
genome_size = 2250000000
workdir = ./polish
polish_options = -p {multithread_jobs}
sgs_fofn = ./sgs.fofn
sgs_options = -max_depth 35 -minimap2
lgs_fofn = ./lgs.fofn
lgs_options = -min_read_len 5k -max_read_len 300k -max_depth 60
lgs_minimap2_options = -x map-pb -t {multithread_jobs}
This was run as standard using
NextPolish run.cfg
Purge_dups was used to remove duplicate contigs that were likely associated with haplotype specific regions.
# PacBio reads were aligned to the polished genome with minimap2
for i in PacBio_CELL_1.fasta PacBio_CELL_2.fasta ; do minimap2 -I 40G -t 32 -xmap-pb <GENOME> $i | gzip -c - > ${i/.fasta/.paf.gz} ; done
pbcstat *.paf.gz
calcuts PB.stat > cutoffs 2>calcults.log
# de-duplicaation
purge_dups -2 -T cutoffs -c PB.base.cov ./split/Pcro.split.self.paf.gz > dups.bed 2> purge_dups.log
get_seqs -e dups.bed <GENOME>
Repeats were masked using a custom generated library and the Dfam3.0 library.
BuildDatabase \
-engine rmblast \
RepeatModeler \
-database $DATABASE \
-engine rmblast \
-pa 44 \
-LTRStruct \
-genomeSampleSizeMax 500000000
RepeatMasker \
-dir . \
-engine ncbi \
-pa 44 \
-lib purgedDB-families.fa \
-gff \
-html \
-xsmall \
Annotation was performed with BRAKER2, an automated AUGUSTUS trainer, using RNAseq data as evidence.
RNAseq reads were trimmed and then mapped to the genome using STAR with the 2-Pass method.
--runThreadN 32 \
--runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir ${GENOMEDIR} \
--genomeFastaFiles ${GENOME} \
######## 1st PASS
# mapping PE
--runThreadN 32 \
--genomeDir ${GENOMEDIR} \
--outFileNamePrefix ${MAPPINGDIR}/1-pass-PE_ \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--readFilesIn SRR1801815_1_paired.fq.gz SRR1801815_2_paired.fq.gz \
# mapping SE
--runThreadN 32 \
--genomeDir ${GENOMEDIR} \
--outFileNamePrefix ${MAPPINGDIR}/1-pass_SE_ \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--readFilesIn SRR1801812.fq.gz \
######## 2nd PASS
# mapping PE
--runThreadN 32 \
--genomeDir ${GENOMEDIR} \
--outFileNamePrefix ${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass-PE_ \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--readFilesIn SRR1801815_1_paired.fq.gz SRR1801815_2_paired.fq.gz \
--sjdbFileChrStartEnd ${MAPPINGDIR}/ ${MAPPINGDIR}/ \
# mapping SE
--runThreadN 32 \
--genomeDir ${GENOMEDIR} \
--outFileNamePrefix ${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass_SE_ \
--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--readFilesIn SRR1801812.fq.gz \
--sjdbFileChrStartEnd ${MAPPINGDIR}/ ${MAPPINGDIR}/ \
samtools sort -@ 31 -o ${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass-PE_Aligned_sorted.out.bam ${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass-PE_Aligned.out.bam
samtools sort -@ 31 -o ${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass_SE_Aligned_sorted.out.bam ${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass_SE_Aligned.out.bam
BRAKER2 was then run using these mapped reads \
--workingdir=${OUTPUT} \
--species=${SPECIES} \
--softmasking \
--cleanup \
--cores=38 \
--rounds 10 \
--genome=${GENOME} \
--bam=${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass-PE_Aligned_sorted.out.bam,${MAPPINGDIR}/2-pass_SE_Aligned_sorted.out.bam \
--UTR=on \
--crf \
--gff3 \