[!NOTE] nksjxwdghi
is a version manager for node.js, designed to be installed per-user, and invoked per-shell. nvm works on any POSIX-compliant shell (sh, dash, ksh, zsh, bash), in particular on these platforms: unix, macOS, and windows WSL.
allows you to quickly install and use different versions of node via the command line.
To install or update nvm
, you should run the install script. To do that, you may either download and run the script manually, or use the following cURL or Wget command:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
Running either of the above commands downloads a script and runs it.
You can see all the available node version using below command:
nvm list-remote
To see all the installed node versions, use command:
nvm ls
To use specific version from available versions, use command:
nvm use 16
To check current node version, use command:
node --version
You need to install yarn
to run this project.
It is recommended to install yarn
through the npm package manager, which comes bundled with Node.js when you install it on your system.
Once you have npm installed you can run the following both to install and upgrade Yarn:
npm i yarn -g
If you face issue while installing yarn
using npm, then use alternative way:
curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
Install and update yarn
using command:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn
Check if yarn
is installed by executing below command:
yarn -v
yarn install
Firstly, Create an empty directory to clone the project.
- Change your Node Version to 16 using
nvm install 16
- Initialize an empty repository and clone the repository with SSH link.
git init
git clone [email protected]:joshsoftware/simplysmart_mqtt_web.git
- Go inside project folder using command:
cd simplysmart_mqtt_web/
- Create .env file and add base url []
REACT_APP_BASE_URL = "your_url_here"
- Install all the dependencies
yarn install
- To run the project, use command:
yarn start