An angular wrapper for Baasbox. Support for version 0.9.0 so far.
- The documentation is incomplete.
- All results are promises. (Other than init)
- Files and Assets are not yet implemented
- There are functions in the SDK that are incomplete. Anything with TODO in its comments is incomplete/may not work as desired.
- How you store the login session/result is left to you. This could change in the future :)
Function | Description |
init(options) | Initialize baasbox. Needed to use this plugin |
signup(user) | Registers a new user |
login(username, password) | Login a user |
logout() | Logout the user from the server |
me() | Retrieves details about the logged in user |
updateProfile(user) | Updates the user profile |
getSingleUser(username) | Allows to retrieve information about a user profile |
getAllUsers(query) | Retrieve a list of users. This API supports pagination and query criteria |
followUser(username) | Follow a user |
unfollowUser(username) | Unfollow a user |
fetchFollowing(username) | Fetch the list of users following the user |
fetchFollowers(username) | Get the list of users the user is following |
Function | Description |
addDocument(collectionName, data) | Create a new document |
getDocument(collectionName, id) | Get the document using the unique ID |
searchForDocuments(collectionName, query) | Search for documents, using some query |
getDocumentCount(collectionName, query) | Returns the number of documents that the user can read in a collection |
updateDocument(collectionName, id, data) | Updates the document with the ID provided in the specified collection |
updateDocumentField(collectionName, id, fieldname, data) | Updates a single field of an existing object. The field can be a simple property, a complex JSON object or even an array using the notation |
deleteDocument(collectionName, id) | Deletes the document with the ID specified in the collection provided as parameter |
grantPermissionByUser(collectionName, id, action, username) | Grants permission to the document to a single user |
grantPermissionByRole(collectionName, id, action, role) | Grants permission to the document to a single role |
revokePermissionByUser(collectionName, id, action, username) | Revokes permission on a document to the user |
revokePermissionByRole(collectionName, id, action, role) | Revokes permission on a document to the role |
createLink(sourceId, destinationId, label) | Links allow to connect documents and files to each other. To create a link you must provide the two documents you want to connect and the link name. Since links have a direction, the first document will be the source node of the link and the second one will be the destination node. |
getLinkById(id) | Get link by Id |
queryLink(query) | Get a single or multiple links using a query. |
deleteLink(id) | Deletes a link |
Initialize baasbox
options: An object, containing the following:
- url - Where all api call will be made. This is the base URL with the slash after the url included. As an example: or
- appCode - The application code you first ran the application with. The default is 1234567890.
- session - The session got after logging in (X-BB-SESSION). Default is null.
- iOSPushToken - The push notification token code for ios.
- androidPushToken - The push notification token code for android.
- facebookSocialToken - The social token for facebook.
- facebookSocialSecret - The social secret for facebook.
- googleSocialToken - The social token for google.
- googleSocialSecret - The social secret for google.
// In case you store the session somewhere. For example to localStorage.
url: "http://localhost:9000",
appCode: 1234567890,
session: User.getSession()
// In case you aren't storing the session. Refreshing the broswer will
// destroy the session inside $baasbox, so be sure store that somewhere.
url: "http://localhost:9000",
appCode: 1234567890
Registers a new user
user: , A JSON object representing a user.
Returns: *
, A promise, with success containing the data (contains user, signUpDate, X-BB-SESSION).
$baasbox.signup({username:'cesare', password:'password'})
.then(function (response) { //Success
}, function (error) { // Fail
"user": {
"name": "cesare",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"roles": [{
"name": "registered"
"signUpDate": "2014-01-23 23:00:18",
"X-BB-SESSION": "db7634df-1002-45a2-b2ab-0f6b8556a1fe"
Login a user
username: , the username
password: , the password
Returns: *
, - A promise, with success containing the data (contains user, signUpDate, X-BB-SESSION).
$baasbox.login('cesare', 'password')
.then(function (user) {
}, function (err) {
"user": {
"name": "cesare",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"roles": [{
"name": "registered"
"signUpDate": "2014-01-23 23:00:18",
"X-BB-SESSION": "db7634df-1002-45a2-b2ab-0f6b8556a1fe"
Implement the pushToken
Logout the user from the server
Returns: *
, - Promise, which if a success, returns "ok"
.then(function (response) {
}, function (error) {
Retrieves details about the logged in user
Returns: *
, - Promise with the user returned
// Notice how the session is not returned here.
.then(function (response) { //Success
}, function (error) { // Fail
"user": {
"name": "cesare",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"roles": [{
"name": "registered"
"signUpDate": "2014-01-23 23:00:18",
Updates the user profile.
user: , Is of format: Should have 4 objects of the keys: visibleByTheUser, visibleByFriends, visibleByRegisteredUsers, visibleByAnonymousUsers, where any of the 4, or all can be provided.
Returns: *
, - Promise with the user returned
Allows to retrieve information about a user profile
username: , Who to fetch
Returns: *
, - Promise with the user returned
Retrieve a list of users. This API supports pagination and query criteria See
query: , pagination and query criteria
Returns: *
, - Promise with the users returned
Follow a user
username: , User to follow
Returns: *
, - Promise with "ok"
Unfollow a user
username: , User to unfollow
Returns: *
, - Promise with "ok"
Fetch the list of users following the user
username: , username of the user
Returns: *
, - Promise of users
Get the list of users the user is following
username: , username of the user
Returns: *
, - Promise of users
Create a new document
collectionName: , Which collection to add this document in
data: , Document Data
Returns: *
, - Promise containing the saved document
Get the document using the unique ID
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , Unique ID to get
Returns: *
, - Promise containing the document
Search for documents, using some query.
collectionName: , The name of the collection
query: , the query to find the documents, for example: query = page=0&recordsPerPage=1
Returns: *
, - Promise containing documents
Returns the number of documents that the user can read in a collection
collectionName: , The name of the collection
query: , (Optional) The query to apply before returning the result
Returns: *
, - Promise containing documents
Updates the document with the ID provided in the specified collection
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , The unique ID of the document
data: , The document data (replaces everything)
Returns: *
, - Promise containing the document
Updates a single field of an existing object. The field can be a simple property, a complex JSON object or even an array using the notation
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , The ID of the document
fieldname: , The name of the field that you want to update
data: , What to update to
Returns: *
, - Promise containing the document
Deletes the document with the ID specified in the collection provided as parameter
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , The ID of the document to delete
Returns: *
, - Promise containing no returned data
Grants permission to the document to a single user
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , The ID of the document
action: , The grant you want to assign. One of: read, update, delete, all.
username: , The username of the user to whom you want to assign the grant
Returns: *
, - Promise containing no returned data
Grants permission to the document to a single role
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , The ID of the document
action: , The grant you want to assign. One of: read, update, delete, all.
role: , The name of the role to whom you want to grant the permission One of: anonymous, registered, administrator, plus those defined by the administrator
Returns: *
, - Promise containing no returned data
Revokes permission on a document to the user
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , The ID of the document
action: , The grant you want to revoke. One of: read, update, delete, all.
username: , The username of the user to whom you want to revoke the grant
Returns: *
, - Promise containing no returned data
Revokes permission on a document to the role
collectionName: , The name of the collection
id: , The ID of the document
action: , The grant you want to revoke. One of: read, update, delete, all.
role: , The name of the role to whom you want to revoke the permission One of: anonymous, registered, administrator, plus those defined by the administrator
Returns: *
, - Promise containing no returned data
Links allow to connect documents and files to each other. To create a link you must provide the two documents you want to connect and the link name. Since links have a direction, the first document will be the source node of the link and the second one will be the destination node.
sourceId: , The ID of the first document or file to link
destinationId: , The ID of the second document or file to link
label: , The link name. Can be any valid string
Returns: *
, - Promise containing non-writable fields about the link
Get link by Id
id: , Id of the link
Returns: *
, - Promise containing non-writable fields about the link
Get a single or multiple links using a query.
query: , the query. For example: like 'john%' and label="customer"
Returns: *
, - Promise containing an array of links
Deletes a link
id: , Id of the link
Returns: *
, - Promise containg no data, just "ok" if success