Set of functions helpful for input validation. Validation functions always return boolean.
Add into your project.clj
Include [district.validation]
in your CLJS file
True if passed instance of js/Date
(valid/js-date? (js/Date.))
;; => true
True if passed instance of cljs-time
(valid/cljs-time? (t/now))
;; => true
True if given string is in a range of lengths.
(valid/length? "a" 1)
;; => true
(valid/length? "aa" 1)
;; => false
(valid/length? "aaaa" 1 3)
;; => false
True for valid email.
(valid/email? "[email protected]")
;; => true
(valid/email? "" {:allow-empty? true})
;; => true
True if given valid web3 address.
(valid/web3-address? "0x48e69c07bc7b9b953b07c45dc8adbd78e12f10fa")
;; => true
True if string is a sha3 hash.
(valid/sha3? "0x10e176b8986f2cfd620a941952c6b3b245a5ae4b276552d6909a88c610eccd66")
;; => true
True if number is not negative number.
(valid/not-neg? 1)
;; => true
True if parameter is not nil.
(valid/not-nil? 1)
;; => true
True if given valid http url
(valid/http-url? "")
;; => true
(valid/http-url? "" {:allow-empty? true})
;; => true
True if given valid ether (as a unit, not currency) value, that is convertible to wei.
(valid/eth-value? "1.1")
;; => true
(valid/eth-value? "1a")
;; => false
(valid/eth-value? nil {:allow-empty? true})
;; => true
True if given valid non negative ether (as a unit, not currency) value, that is convertible to wei.
(valid/not-neg-eth-value? "1,1")
;; => true
(valid/not-neg-eth-value? 0)
;; => true
(valid/not-neg-eth-value? "-1")
;; => false
True if given valid positive ether (as a unit, not currency) value, that is convertible to wei.
(valid/pos-eth-value? "1,1")
;; => true
(valid/pos-eth-value? 0)
;; => false
- Run test suite:
- Browser
npx shadow-cljs watch test-browser
- open https://d0x-vm:6502
- tests refresh automatically on code change
- CI (Headless Chrome, Karma)
npx shadow-cljs compile test-ci
CHROME_BIN=`which chromium-browser` npx karma start karma.conf.js --single-run
- Build
- on merging pull request to master on GitHub, CI builds & publishes new version automatically
- update version in
- to build:
clj -T:build jar
- to release:
clj -T:build deploy
env vars to be set)