is a rule-based coreference resolution system for German using the
filters and preferences approach (Lappin and Leass 1994; Stuckardt 2001).
It requires dependency parsed input sentences in CoNLL 2009/2010 format, which can i.a. be produced by mate-tools (Bohnet 2010).
The code was originally written by Tobias Günther for his Bachelor's thesis (Günther 2011), but has been heavily refactored and is now based on the discoursegraphs library (Neumann, to appear).
Bohnet, B. (2010).
Very high accuracy and fast dependency parsing is not a contradiction. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 89-97). Association for Computational Linguistics.
Günther, T. (2011).
Automatische Anaphernresolution im Deutschen: Entwurf und Implementierung. Bsc thesis. Universität Potsdam, Germany.
Neumann, A. (to appear).
discoursegraphs: A Graph-Based Merging Tool and Converter for Multilayer Annotated Corpora. In Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (Nodalida 2015). Northern European Association for Language Technology.
Lappin, S., & Leass, H. J. (1994).
An algorithm for pronominal anaphora resolution. Computational linguistics, 20(4), 535-561.
Stuckardt, R. (2001).
Design and enhanced evaluation of a robust anaphor resolution algorithm. Computational Linguistics, 27(4), 479-506.