2.1.0 (2019-05-31)
Bug Fixes
analytics: revert Heap lib injection (8208772 )
badge: only count notices to display and handle feedbacks on notice (a8216d3 ), closes #285
badge: reset badge when a tab is created or updated (b6551f5 )
ContentTitle: don't show empty tag if the title is empty, fix #262 (e5cfc35 )
details: remove double spacings (0ad6f86 )
Details: changed read more url width (6da174b )
excerpt: fix notice excerpt which could take 3 lines instead of 2 (71d94bf )
external-click-handler: don't close the UI when the user click on an interactive Html element (d999de6 )
externalClickHandler: check if document is already ready (92531cd )
feedback: fix notice still shown on list after dismiss from details (34a1aef )
heap: fix heap declaration (fd02740 )
notice: handle HTML in message (b33c1e2 )
Notice: change excerpt text color (c63302e )
NoticeDetails: make notice source optional, fix #246 (3e30985 )
notices: correct <Notice/Details> props typing (db4d960 )
notices: revert REPORT_NOTICE action type deletion (ea064e3 )
notification: fix import to require in script injection (6f2d307 )
notification: Footer displayed twice (3335bca )
NotificationFooter: revert to uncomplete nav links for apiv3 partial release (f0014b6 )
bad imports (90a3641 )
read: fix read behavior (a3de138 )
UI: changed read more link design (c376687 )
UI: changed read more link design (269af49 )
change iFrame position (9c0c097 )
changed opacity for read Bulle according to the design (3f04d89 )
fix bad rebase (cf78096 )
read version directly from package.json, at build time (0ac84b2 )
adapt to API V3 (63e24a9 )
read: Handle read status visually on a Notice
(3e8df34 )
added new button story (c86fed3 )
badge: add badge on browser action button (10b0d64 )
badge: store read notice in user prefs
state slice (55818ac )
details: change title to 'Détail de la bulle' (6b2894e )
error-reporting: add Sentry integration (132fa77 )
list: remove 'Add a recommendation' button when empty list (e709fe0 )
notice: add an action when clicking on the source link of a notice and track it (ec8e137 )
notices: change intention 'tip' to 'information' (f7b2638 )
ratings: restore (dis)likes count on NoticeDetails (501cac1 )
sentry: condition Sentry logging and version declaring to yarn release (20dfab5 )
tab: add tabId
state slice to get tabId
from content context (c128fc4 )
tracking: don't track action explicitly tagged as tracked: false
(f76118e )
ui: show UI only if there ares unread notices (212f205 )
UI: close the UI when clicking outside of the UI (7f1e109 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.