A simple tool for remapping Minecraft mods from the official Mojang mappings to Fabric / Yarn mappings
usage: filigree [OPTION]... [SOURCE_DIRECTORY]
-c,--classpath <arg> adds a classpath
-C,--classpaths <arg> imports a list of classpaths from a file
-f,--force force remap even if output path already exists
-h,--help display this message
-m,--mc-version <arg> the minecraft version to map against, defaults to
latest release
-o,--output-dir <arg> the output directory, defaults to
-v,--version print version information
-y,--yarn-build <arg> the build of yarn to remap to, defaults to latest
The -C
option reads the provided text file line by line and adds the path on each
line to the classpath.
To produce such a file, add the following into the build.gradle for the project you want to remap
task compileClasspath {
doLast {
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>()
configurations.compileClasspath.each { list.add(it.toString()) }
File extraFolder = new File( "${project.buildDir}/classpaths")
if( !extraFolder.exists() ) {
new File("${project.buildDir}/classpaths/classpath.txt").text = list.join ("\n")
and run gradlew compileClasspath
Download the binaries from the GitHub releases or build the project with
./gradlew installDist
then copy the resulting files to the desired location and either symlink bin/filigree
to somewhere in your path (for instance /usr/local/bin
) or add it to your path