To run this sample project you need to create file constants.gradle
with such content:
ext {
owner_id = "\"owner_id_that_was_used_during_api_key_creation\""
api_key = "\"your_generated_api_key\""
In order to generate your API KEY you should go to
and press 'Add New'.
In the Add Key dialog please choose Edge Management from dropdown menu 'Select Catalog' and press 'Generate'.
Then you can use your API KEY to get Access Token.
Access token and gateway token has limited life time. When it expires you should to refresh them.
To receive access token use @POST v1/auth/token/api
fun getTokenAsync(
@Header("Authorization") apiKey: String,
): Deferred<Response<TokenResponse>>
data class TokenResponse(
val access_token: String,
val id_token: String,
val userId: String,
val expires_in: Long,
val token_type: String
When access token expires you can refresh it using @POST v1/auth/token/api
Initially you can request GW token using previously received access token (from @POST v1/auth/token/api
Just use @POST v1/owner/{ownerId}/gateway/{gatewayId}/mobile
fun registerGWAsync(
@Header("Authorization") authorization: String,
@Path("ownerId", encoded = true) ownerId: String,
@Path("gatewayId", encoded = true) gatewayId: String,
@Body body: RegisterGWBody = RegisterGWBody()
): Deferred<Response<MqttRegistryResponse>>
You should pass Bearer $TokenResponse.access_token
to the @Header("Authorization") authorization: String
data class RegisterGWBody(
val gatewayName: String,
val gatewayType: String = "mobile"
data class MqttRegistryResponse(val data: LoginResponse)
data class LoginResponse(
@SerializedName("access_token") val accessToken: String,
@SerializedName("expires_in") val expiresIn: Int,
@SerializedName("id_token") val idToken: String,
@SerializedName("refresh_token") val refreshToken: String,
@SerializedName("token_type") val tokenType: String,
@SerializedName("userId") val userId: String
When GW token expires you can refresh it using @POST v1/gateway/refresh?
fun refreshGWTokenAsync(
@Query("refresh_token", encoded = true) refresh_token: String
): Deferred<Response<LoginResponse>>
Thanks for access ))